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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2015.10.28 2013가단13521

1. As to the Plaintiff (consolidated Defendant)’s KRW 3,734,668 and its related amount from June 22, 2012 to October 28, 2015.


1. Basic facts

가. 피고는 ‘C치과의원’을 개설운영하는 치과의사로서, 2011. 9.경부터 자신의 치과의원 인터넷 홈페이지 등을 통해 ‘발치된 본인의 치아를 뼈이식재로 만들어 사용함으로써 인체거부반응 없이 튼튼한 잇몸뼈를 만들어주며 세계최초로 개발한 전염적, 감염적 위험이 전혀 없는 최신 선진의료기술’을 적용하여 임플란트 시술을 시행하고 있다고 광고하였다.

B. On March 2, 2012, at another dental clinic, the Plaintiff: (a) sent to the right-hand side of the upper dental clinic; (b) sent to the Defendant’s advertisement; and (c) requested the Defendant’s dental clinic for the first time on June 22, 2012 to conduct an crypting procedure.

당시 피고는 원고에게 위 광고와 같은 내용으로 자가치아 뼈이식술을 설명하면서, 원고의 해당 부위에서 잇몸뼈가 부족하여 임플란트를 식립하기 위해서는 뼈이식이 선행되어야 하므로 원고의 사랑니 1개(하악 좌측 제3대구치)를 발치하여 그것을 뼈이식재의 재료로 쓰자고 권유하여, 원고로부터 사랑니 발치부터 그것을 이용한 뼈이식술, 임플란트 시술까지 포괄적인 동의를 받았다.

C. On July 9, 2012, the Defendant sent one of the Plaintiff’s love as of July 9, 2012, and implemented the bones transplantation to the Plaintiff on August 13, 2012, using the bones transplant that was created and processed as Lolue.

On the 20th of the same month, the Defendant removed the Plaintiff’s sallle on the bones of the bones, re-salvined the upper body after disinfecting the upper body. On the 23th of the same month, the Defendant re-salined the upper body, and removed the upper body again on the 31st of the same month.

After that, the Plaintiff refused to provide medical treatment from the Defendant, and filed an appeal for the pain and sacrine surgery with the Plaintiff at the Seoul Asan Hospital on September 12, 2012. On the same day, the Plaintiff was diagnosed as “aftermath infection of a transplant saccine.”

A dentist of the Seoul Asan Hospital is infected by bones transplant.
