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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원순천지원 2020.10.23 2020고단2187

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

1. 폭행 피고인은 2020. 8. 28. 12:30경 전남 보성군 B에 있는 C의원 앞 버스 정류장에 정차한 D 소속 E 버스 내에서, 마스크로 입만 가린 채 탑승하여 위 버스 기사인 F으로부터 마스크를 바르게 쓰라는 요구를 받았음에도 이에 불응하며 욕설을 하고 좌석에 앉았다가, 다른 승객인 피해자 G(남, 64세)로부터 “그냥 좋게 쓰고 가면 되지 뭘 그러느냐.”는 말을 듣자 화가 난다는 이유로, “너는 뭐야, 새끼야.”라는 등 욕설을 하며 500㎖ 페트병을 든 오른손으로 좌석에 앉아 있는 피해자의 얼굴, 머리 부위를 3회 내리쳐 폭행을 가하였다.

2. At around 12:30 on August 28, 2020, the Defendant, who interfered with the business, was on board the bus as set forth in paragraph (1) operated by the Victim F with a view to accepting a demand from the victim to use the scream, and thus refusing to comply with such demand. The Defendant continued to engage in assaulting three times the face, head part, and head part of the above G, other passengers, as described in paragraph (1), and continued to sit in the seat without using the scam, and thereby interfered with the operation of the bus by force of the victim by force until the police officers dispatched to the site after receiving a report at around 12:50 on the same day until they get out the scam.

3. On August 28, 2020, around 12:50 on the bus stops as indicated in Paragraph (1), the Defendant informed the Defendant that the Defendant would arrest the Defendant as the next flagrant offender with respect to the facts of the crime of paragraphs 1 and 2, which is the circumstance where the victim I (ma, 45 years old) was dispatched to the scene after receiving a report of 112 on the crime of paragraphs 1 and 2, around the bus stops as indicated in Paragraph (1), and that the Defendant gave notice of the right to arrest the victim as the next flagrant offender, and calculated the victim’s left face part of the victim’s 1 and 2.

This is the defendant.
