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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2015.06.11 2014고단9893

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant on June 20, 2014 and the same year

7. 28. The public service center of the Busan Staff Police Station located in the Busan Staff Police Station received a complaint against the defendant C.

The purpose of the complaint was that “The Defendant C knew of 15 years prior to the filing of the complaint, but around 2013, his family was destroyed by the complainant, and the complainant’s spouse’s Handphone was demanded to have his/her written text and photo transmitted his/her photograph and photograph to him/her.” The Defendant sent his/her photograph and photograph to his/her spouse while threatening his/her spouse to transmit his/her written text and photograph to him/her if he/she refuses to meet.”

On July 28, 2014, the Defendant continued to undergo an investigation as a complainant at the Busan Western Police Station’s investigation and the office of the first economic team office, stating, “The Defendant did not post a defective complainant who tried to maintain a suspect C’s inhumanial relationship but tried to adjust the relationship with her husband’s illness, and threatened her family to know the relationship with the complainant, and attached text messages on the relationship with her husband’s cell phone with her husband’s cell phone, pictures taken by her husband at the time of sexual intercourse, and thus punished.”

However, in order for the defendant to get divorced from her husband, the above C sent the above text messages to the her husband's cell phone, and from around 1996, the defendant and C maintained an inhumanity relationship by entering the Seoul, which is the residential area of Busan and C, from around June 14, 2014, there was no threat that the defendant would know about her spouse unless she arrives from C, such as continuing contact and receiving contact.

Nevertheless, when the Defendant had pressured to file a complaint against C from her husband, the Defendant sent text messages to the effect that C, with the intention of having the above C receive criminal punishment, would know the Defendant’s father’s mobile phone relationship, etc. without having the Defendant talked with her husband’s cell phone, and submitted a written complaint.
