본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.03.26 2016가단5119215

1. The plaintiff's claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. According to the Land Survey Division drawn up during the Japanese Occupation Period, the following circumstances were found: F residing in the Gyeonggi High-gun Edong-gun, the G G 99 square-gun, the Gangwon-do Crossing-gun, the H 1,792 square-gun, the Gangwon-do Hawon-gun, and the G 1,733 square-gun, the Gangwon-do Hawon-gun.

(hereinafter referred to as “from-ri parcel number”). (b)

H Forest land 4 years (1929)

8. 1. J 1. J 1,580 square meters, K 180 square meters, and L 32 square meters, were divided from the above J land on January 30, 1939, and M 624 square meters were divided from the above J land on December 29, 1967, and the above N 19 square meters was divided from the above M 19 square meters and merged into O on September 30, 195.

In addition, on June 9, 1987, the size of 106 square meters L prior to L is converted into 32 square meters.

On June 26, 1990, Q land was divided from the above L on June 26, 199 and the area of the L land was 135 square meters.

C. R and S land was divided from the I land on July 5, 1948, and on December 22, 198, 198, 402 square meters prior to T was divided from the S land, and on May 8, 1992, 3 and 4 were divided into 53 square meters from T land.

Since then, the above G land became the land of Paragraph 1 due to the change of administrative district, cadastral change, etc., and the defendant Republic of Korea completed the registration of preservation of ownership on the above land by the Chuncheon District Court No. 6019, May 27, 1996.

As seen earlier, Defendant Republic of Korea completed the registration of initial ownership of N-owned land (No. 7105 of October 19, 1987) as to N-owned land. As seen earlier, Defendant Republic of Korea was merged into N-owned land and became the land of paragraph (2).

E. Defendant Republic of Korea completed the registration of the original branch court of Chuncheon District Court on land Nos. 3 and 4 as well as the registration of the preservation of ownership on October 11, 1990 as the receipt of No. 34786.

With respect to the land of Paragraph 5, the Chuncheon District Court of Education in the name of the Chuncheon District Office of Education, the registration of initial ownership was completed on December 12, 1955 and the registration of initial ownership was completed on March 26, 1991 under the name of the defendant Gangwon-do as the receipt of August 14, 1991.
