본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울행정법원 2019.04.05 2018구합70059
평가인증 취소처분 취소청구

1. All of the instant lawsuits are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


(2) On October 12, 2017, the Plaintiff filed an administrative appeal seeking revocation of the instant disposition with the Central Administrative Appeals Commission, and filed an application for suspension of the execution of the instant disposition. The Central Administrative Appeals Commission rendered a decision to suspend the execution on October 17, 2017, and decided to dismiss the Plaintiff’s petition for administrative appeal on June 5, 2018. 3) On June 19, 2018, the Plaintiff filed a lawsuit seeking revocation of the instant disposition (Seoul Administrative Court 2018Guhap68087) with the competent court (Seoul Administrative Court 2018Guhap11808), but on June 29, 2018, the Plaintiff filed an application for the suspension of the execution (the Seoul Administrative Court 2018GuDa11808) with the Seoul Administrative Appeals Commission’s revocation of the certification of the Child Care Center (the second evaluation 1 of this case)’s revocation on June 21, 2018 and the head of the Gu received a notification from Defendant 1217.

The details are as follows. The plaintiff's request was dismissed, such as the result of an administrative appeal ruling on the claim for revocation of the accreditation of a child care center, and the revocation of the accreditation of a child care center is subject to the following dispositions, and the child care center return the certificate of accreditation and the certificate of accreditation to the owner of the child care center. The name of a child care center: (a) the representative of C child care center (director) and the plaintiff's progress; (b) the revocation disposition for the accreditation of the child care center (child abuse) - (child abuse) violation of the Child Welfare Act (child abuse) - (child abuse) violation of the grounds for revocation of the accreditation - (child care center's application for suspension of administrative appeal) - the restoration disposition in accordance with the decision of the Central Administrative Appeals Commission on June 5, 2018 (the administrative appeal decision on June 5, 2018).
