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텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원통영지원 2016.06.01 2015가단7595
건물명도 등

1. The defendant

가. 별지 목록 기재 부동산의 2층 331.83㎡ 중 별지 도면 표시 ㉠, ㉡, ㉢, ㉣,...


1. Indication of claim;

가. 원고는 2013. 6. 5. 피고에게 별지 목록 기재 부동산의 2층 331.83㎡ 중 별지 도면 표시 ㉠, ㉡, ㉢, ㉣, ㉠의 각 점을 순차로 연결한 선내 (가) 부분 170㎡를 임차보증금 10,000,000원, 월 차임을 1,430,000원, 임대기간 2013. 6. 24.부터 2015. 6. 23.까지로 정하여 임대해 주었다.

B. However, the Defendant paid the Plaintiff the monthly rent until April 2014 and did not pay the remainder of the monthly rent.

C. Therefore, the Defendant is obligated to deliver to the Plaintiff the said KRW 170 square meters out of the 2nd floor of the real estate indicated in the attached Table 331.83 square meters, and to pay to the Plaintiff the sum of KRW 25,740,000 (= KRW 1,430,000 x 18 months) of the rent for the unpaid month from May 2014 to October 2015 and the amount equivalent to KRW 1,430,000 per month from November 15, 2015 to the completion date of delivery of the said real estate.

2. Judgment without holding any pleadings on the ground of recognition (Articles 208 (3) 1 and 257 (1) of the Civil Procedure Act);
