(영문) 대구고등법원 1990. 05. 30. 선고 88구804 판결

농지의 대토에 해당하는지 여부[국승]


Whether it constitutes a substitute land for farmland


The plaintiff acquired the land of this case at the above date and only can peep the fact that he transferred it for over-water cultivation. Thus, it does not fall under the substitute soil of non-taxable farmland.

The decision

The contents of the decision shall be the same as attached.


The plaintiff's claim is dismissed. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiff.


1. Details of taxation; and

성립에 다툼이 없는 갑제2호증(납부서), 을제1호증의 1(양도소득세결정결의서), 2(양도소득세산출근거), 을제4호증의 1, 2(각 등기부등본), 을제5호증의 1내지3(각 토지대장등본)의 각 기재에 변론의 전취지를 종합하면, 원고가 1987. 7. 31. ㅇㅇ시 ㅇㅇ구 ㅇㅇ동 ㅇㅇ번지 답 483평, 같은동 ㅇㅇ번지 답 160평 및 같은동 ㅇㅇ번지 답 165평 도합 808평(이하 이 사건 토지라 한다)을 취득하여 소유하여 오다가 같은해 10. 14. 소외 김ㅇ만, 김ㅇ문에게 대금 42,400,000원에 양도한 사실 및 피고는, 원고의 위와같은 이 사건 토지의 취득과 양도를 소득세법시행령 제170조 제4항 제2호 및 국세청훈령인 재산제세조사사무처리규정 제72조 제3항 제5호 소정의 국세청장이 지정하는 투기거래로 보아 소득세법 제23조 제4항 단서, 제45조 제1항 제1호 단서의 규정에 따라 취득가액 및 양도가액을 실지거래가액인 각 금20,200,000원과 금42,400,000원으로 결정하여 별지 세액산출내역서 기재와 같이 산출한 양도소득세 금10,966,730원 및 동 방위세 금2,193,340원을 1988. 3. 18. 원고에 대하여 부과고지한 사실을 인정할 수 있고 달리 반증이 없다.

2. Plaintiff’s assertion and judgment

가. 원고소송대리인은 먼저, 원고는 그녀의 남편인 소외 김ㅇ배가 1986. 2. 25. 사망하여 친정이 있는 ㅇㅇ시 ㅇㅇ구 ㅇㅇ동 마을에서 농업에 종사하기로 결심하고 1987. 7. 31. 이 사건 토지를 취득하였으나 위 농지에서 벼농사만을 지어가지고는 가족의 생계유지조차 어려우니 수익성이 더 많은 과수원을 취득, 경작해 보라는 주위의 권유를 받고 같은해 10. 14. 이 사건 토지를 다시 매각한 다음 그 돈으로 1988. 5. 11. 위 같은동 ㅇㅇ번지 과수원 461평 9홉을 대금46,200,000원에 매수한 것이므로 이 사건 토지의 양도는 소득세법 제5조 제6호(차)목 및 같은법 시행령 제14조 제7항 소정의 농지를 대토한 경우에 해당되어 그로 인한 소득은 비과세대상소득이 됨에도 불구하고 이를 과세대상으로 삼아 원고에게 대하여 한 이 사건 과세처분은 위법하다고 주장한다.

However, Article 5 subparagraph 6 (j) of the Income Tax Act and Article 14 (7) of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act (amended by Presidential Decree No. 12,564 of Dec. 31, 198) provide that no capital gains tax shall be imposed on farmland substituted by the necessity of cultivation, and that it is the requirement for substitute farmland, and that another farmland shall be acquired within one year from the date of transfer of the previous farmland: Provided, That where another farmland is acquired before the transfer of the previous farmland, it shall be limited to the time the previous farmland is transferred within one year from the date of acquisition of other farmland. 2. The new land area of the farmland to be acquired is above the area of the farmland to be transferred or above a half of the value of the farmland to be transferred, by allowing and guaranteeing free substitution of farmland, and thus, it shall be based on the premise that (1) the previous land and new land to be acquired are farmland to be a transferor at the time of transfer of the previous land, a person who is replaced by the transferor at the time of transfer of such land, or a person to be newly acquired (3).

Therefore, there is no evidence to acknowledge this point even by the Plaintiff’s dynasty certificate as to whether the Plaintiff actually synastyed at the time of the transfer of the land. However, since the Plaintiff acquired the land in this case at a time, but only for two months, can see the fact that it was transferred for over-water cultivation again, the Plaintiff’s above assertion by the Plaintiff’s attorney without regard to the remainder is groundless.

B. Next, the plaintiff's attorney asserts that the actual acquisition value of the land of this case is KRW 24,240,000, not KRW 20,200,000, not KRW 24,240,000 of the defendant's family's acquisition value (no dispute exists between the parties as to the transfer value of the land of this case). Thus, since there is no dispute as to the acquisition value of the land of this case in the public health and seal image, it is presumed that the entire document is true due to the witness's testimony under subparagraph 3 (real estate sales contract) and subparagraph 2 (written confirmation) of subparagraph 2 (written confirmation) which is presumed to have been true due to the witness's testimony under subparagraph 2 (written confirmation) of this case, the plaintiff can be acknowledged as having purchased the land of this case from Nonparty 2,200,000 won from the plaintiff's largest - and against this, the plaintiff's assertion that the price is 24,240,000,000 won.

3. Conclusion

Therefore, since the defendant's taxation disposition of this case is legitimate, the plaintiff's claim of this case seeking its revocation is dismissed as without merit, and the costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiff as the losing party. It is so decided as per Disposition.

May 30, 1990