(영문) 대법원 1999. 11. 26. 선고 99므180 판결


Main Issues

[1] The meaning of "when one has been extremely maltreated by his spouse, who is a reason for divorce under Article 840 subparagraph 3 of the Civil Code," and the meaning of "when there is a serious reason for making it difficult to continue the marriage," which is the reason for divorce under subparagraph 6 of the same Article

[2] The case affirming the judgment of the court below which dismissed the claim for divorce on the ground that the wife of 75 years of age cannot be deemed to have been extremely maltreated by the claim for divorce filed against the husband of 83 years of age on the premise that there are grounds for divorce under Article 840 subparagraphs 3 and 6 of the Civil Code, or that the marital relationship has reached the point where it cannot be recovered

Summary of Judgment

[1] "When one of the parties to a marriage is extremely maltreated by the spouse, which is a reason for divorce under Article 840 subparagraph 3 of the Civil Code," refers to the case where one of the parties to a marriage has received violence, abuse, or serious insult to the extent that it would be harsh to compel the continuation of the marriage relationship from the spouse, and "if there is any other serious reason that makes it difficult to continue the marriage," which is a reason for divorce under subparagraph 6 of the same Article, refers to the case where the communal living relationship between the husband and wife, which corresponds to the essence of the marriage that should be based on difficulties and trust between the couple, is broken down to the extent that it is impossible to recover the marital relationship and compelling the continuation of the marital life, which would result in an uncomfortable

[2] The case affirming the judgment of the court below which dismissed the claim for divorce on the ground that the wife of 75 years of age cannot be deemed to have been extremely maltreated by the claim for divorce filed against the husband of 83 years of age on the premise that there are grounds for divorce under Article 840 subparagraphs 3 and 6 of the Civil Code, or that the marital relationship has reached the point where it cannot be recovered.

[Reference Provisions]

[1] Article 840 subparag. 3 and 6 of the Civil Act / [2] Article 840 subparag. 3 and 6 of the Civil Act

Reference Cases

[1] Supreme Court Decision 80Meu9 delivered on October 13, 1981 (Gong1987, 1393) and Supreme Court Decision 87Meu24 delivered on July 21, 1987 (Gong1987, 1393), Supreme Court Decision 90Meu1067 delivered on July 9, 199 (Gong191, 2158), Supreme Court Decision 97Meu612 delivered on February 12, 199 (Gong199, 661)

Plaintiff, Appellant

Plaintiff (Attorney Choi Byung-hee, Counsel for the plaintiff-appellant)

Defendant, Appellee

Defendant (Attorney Seosan-sung et al., Counsel for defendant-appellant)

Judgment of the lower court

Seoul High Court Decision 98Reu2525 delivered on December 30, 1998


The appeal is dismissed. The costs of appeal are assessed against the plaintiff.


The grounds of appeal are examined.

"When one of the parties to a marriage is extremely maltreated by the spouse, which is a reason for divorce under Article 840 subparagraph 3 of the Civil Act" refers to the case where one of the parties to a marriage has received violence, abuse, or serious insult to the extent that it would be harsh to compel the continuation of the marriage relationship from the spouse, and "if there is any other serious reason that makes it difficult to continue the marriage," which is a reason for divorce under subparagraph 6, refers to the case where the relationship between the couple's communal living relationship corresponding to the essence of the marriage, which should be based on reliance and trust, is broken down to the extent that it is impossible to recover, and compelling the continuation of the marriage life, which would result in an unreparable pain of the spouse (see Supreme Court Decision 97Meu612 delivered on February 12, 199).

원심판결 이유에 의하면, 원심은 피고는 1933. 4. 26. 소외 1와 혼인하여 1남을 얻은 후 1944. 6. 5. 협의이혼하고 이어 같은 해 10. 19. 소외 2과 혼인하였다가 그녀가 1946. 4. 27. 사망하자 같은 해 10. 2. 원고와 혼인하여 원고와 사이에 1남 3녀를 둔 사실, 피고는 원고와의 혼인기간 내내 자신이 경제권을 쥐고 생활비 절약을 위하여 원고에게 쌀과 반찬을 대어주는 이외에는 생계를 유지하기에 빠듯한 정도의 생활비만을 지급하여 원고는 하숙을 치거나 담배가게, 손수레보관소 등을 경영하여 그 수입을 생활비에 보태는 힘든 생활을 해 온 사실, 피고는 혼인 초기 영어교사로 근무하던 원고를 사직시켜 살림만을 하도록 하는 등 가부장적인 권위를 내세워 집안을 다스려 온 사실, 피고는 고령이 된 이후 원고를 이유 없이 의심하여 원고가 전처 소생의 아들과 불륜 관계를 가졌다고 하는가 하면 공공연히 자녀들이 자신의 친생자가 아니라고 하기도 하고, 집에 감춰둔 돈을 원고가 가져갔다고 윽박지르는 등 하였으며, 집안에서 화장실 문을 열어둔 채로 대소변을 보거나 벌거벗은 채로 집안을 돌아다니는 일이 잦아진 사실, 피고는 1997. 5. 28.경 정신병원에서 진찰을 받아 본 결과 망상장애의 의심이 간다는 소견을 받았으나 진찰 도중에 집으로 가버려서 원고가 약만 받고 돌아온 적도 있는 등 피고가 위 증상의 치료를 거부하고 있는 사실, 원고가 1997. 5.경 피고 건물의 매도대금의 일부인 금 53,000,000원을 피고 대신 받고서도 피고에게 건네주지 아니하여 그로 인한 부부간의 다툼 끝에 그 무렵 큰딸 집으로 가출하고, 이에 피고는 같은 해 6. 9. 원고를 절도죄로 고소하고 같은 해 6. 12. 이혼소송을 제기하였다가 취하한 사실 등을 인정한 다음, 비록 피고가 원고에게 생활비를 적게 주어 원고로 하여금 경제적으로 어려운 생활을 하도록 하고 가부장적 권위로 원고를 대해 오는 한편 고령이 되어 원고를 이유 없이 의심하는 언행을 보인 적은 있으나, 피고 스스로도 절약하는 생활을 하여 현재 약 18억 원에 상당하는 재산을 모은 점, 피고가 원고를 의심하는 언행을 하거나 알몸으로 집안을 돌아다니기도 한 것은 고령으로 인하여 생긴 정신장애 증상에 기인하며 원고는 위와 같은 정신장애 증상이 있는 피고를 돌보고 부양하여야 할 의무가 있는 점, 현재 원고는 만 75세이고, 피고는 만 83세에 이르는 고령인 점 및 혼인기간, 혼인 당시의 가치기준과 남녀관계 등을 종합하면, 위 인정 사실만으로 피고가 원고에게 심히 부당한 대우를 하였다거나 원고와 피고의 혼인관계가 이미 회복할 수 없을 정도로 파탄에 이르렀다고는 보이지 아니하고 달리 이를 인정할 만한 증거가 없다고 판단하여, 민법 제840조 제3호와 제6호의 이혼사유를 원인으로 하는 원고의 이혼청구 및 그에 따른 위자료 및 재산분할청구를 모두 배척하였다.

In light of the records and the above legal principles, we affirm the above fact-finding and judgment of the court below, and there are no errors in law such as misconception of facts against the rules of evidence or violation of the Constitution, and there are no errors in law such as violation of the rules of evidence or violation of the rules of law in determining whether the grounds for divorce exist among the reasons of the judgment of the court below, the part of the judgment which takes into account the fact that the plaintiff and the defendant currently are old, the period and the value standards at the time of marriage and the relations between men and women at the time of marriage can not be allowed even if there are legitimate grounds for divorce with respect to the married couple whose marriage period is longer, or the purport of strictly restricting the divorce against the female spouse in comparison with the male spouse on the basis of the concept of travel expenses remaining both the fact-finding of the court below and the fact-finding of the court below is nothing more than an additional element in making a judgment that does not fall under the grounds for divorce as provided in subparagraphs 3 and 6 of Article 840 of the Civil Act, and there is no error in the court below's

Therefore, the appeal is dismissed, and the costs of appeal are assessed against the plaintiff who is the appellant. It is so decided as per Disposition by the assent of all participating Justices.

Justices Lee Yong-woo (Presiding Justice)

심급 사건
-서울고등법원 1998.12.30.선고 98르2525