(영문) 대법원 1987. 2. 24. 선고 86다카2261 판결


Main Issues

Where the current status of the land which is the object of the sale is different from the boundary on the cadastral record, the scope of the ownership.

Summary of Judgment

The nominal owners on the register shall be presumed to have the ownership of the relevant real estate as registered, and the scope of the ownership of the land shall be determined by the boundary on the public register except in special circumstances, such as where the parties concerned have an intention to trade the land with a fence installed in the course of the sale and purchase of the land.

[Reference Provisions]

Article 563 of the Civil Act

Reference Cases

Supreme Court Decision 72Da1902 delivered on December 12, 1972, 72Da678 delivered on June 12, 1973, Supreme Court Decision 74Da1364 delivered on January 14, 1975, Supreme Court Decision 86Meu2262 delivered on February 24, 1987 (Dong)

Plaintiff, the deceased and the deceased

[Judgment of the court below]



Judgment of the lower court

Jeonju District Court Decision 86Na217 delivered on September 11, 1986


The judgment of the court below is reversed, and the case is remanded to the Jeonju District Court Panel Division.


We examine the grounds of appeal.

원심판결 이유에 의하면, 원심은 당사자 간에 다툼이 없는 사실과 판시증거에 의하여 남원시 (주소 1 생략) 대 479평방미터는 원래 귀속재산이었는데 소외 1의 처인 소외 2가 1958.경 나라로부터 이를 불하받은 뒤 위 불하받을 당시부터 위 대지 안에 인접대지인 같은 동 (주소 2 생략), (주소 3 생략) 대지를 따라 판시 별지도면 ㅊ, ㅋ의 점을 연결한 선 위에 담장이 설치되어 있었고 위 같은 동 (주소 2 생략), (주소 3 생략) 대지의 소유자인 소외 3이 위 담을 경계로 이 사건 침범부분인 15평방미터를 점유하고 있어서 그 후 위 소외 2가 그 부분을 위 소외 3에게 매도하였지만 이를 분할하지 아니한 채 등기부상에는 위 소외 2의 남편인 소외 1의 소유로 여전히 두기로 한 사실과 위 소외 3은 1959.10.16 (주소 2 생략), (주소 3 생략) 대지를 피고에게 매도하면서 위 침범부분인 15평방미터도 함께 매도하여서 피고가 이를 점유하고 있는 사실 및 (주소 1 생략) 대지에 관하여는 소외 2로부터 소외 4를 거쳐 원고에게 매도되는 과정에서 위 침범부분은 피고의 소유임을 양해하고 그 매매목적물에서 제외하기로 합의하면서 위 침범부분을 분할하지 아니한 채 위 대지 전부에 대하여 차례로 등기를 이전한 사실 및 그렇기 때문에 1982. 원고가 판시 별지도면표시 ㅊ, ㅋ을 연결한 선에 이미 설치되었던 담장을 허물고 다시 그 위에 그대로 증.개축한 사실을 인정한 다음 사정이 이와 같다면 위 침범부분에 대한 원고 이전의 소유명의자들이 위 소외 2, 소외 4는 그 부분의 소유자인 피고의 명의수탁자에 불과하고 원고는 위 소외 4로부터 위 부분에 관한 명의수탁자의 지위만을 승계하였을 뿐이므로 명의수탁자인 원고가 신탁자인 피고에게 그 대지의 인도를 구하는 것은 부당하다고 판시하고 있다.

However, the owner of the land on the register is presumed to have the ownership of the above real estate as registered, and the scope of the ownership of the land shall be determined by the boundary on the public register unless there are special circumstances, such as that the parties make a transaction with intent to sell and purchase the land in accordance with the status of the wall installed. The court below's evidence Nos. 1, 2 (a certificate of sale), 3-1, 2 (a land register) only support the fact that the non-party 3 sold the above land and building ( Address 2 omitted) to the defendant, and ( Address 3 omitted) the above land and building to the non-party, and it is difficult to recognize that the non-party 3 did not sell the above part to the plaintiff when the non-party 4's testimony that the non-party 1 sold the above part to the non-party 4 was not enough to recognize that the non-party 1 did not sell the land to the non-party 1's witness on the ground that the non-party 1 did not sell it to the plaintiff.

Therefore, in addition to the presumption that the above site is owned by the plaintiff, the above site is still registered in the future of the plaintiff, and even if the above non-party 2 sold the above part of the building site to the non-party 4, and excluded the above part of the above part of the building site, if the registration was transferred without dividing it, the above non-party 4 is in the position of the trustee as to the above part of the crime. Therefore, as long as the above non-party 4 sold the above part of the building site to the plaintiff without excluding the above part of the crime at the time of selling it to the plaintiff, and the registration was transferred to the plaintiff, the plaintiff acquired the whole ownership of the above part of the building site. Thus, the scope of the plaintiff's ownership should be extended to the whole site according to the boundary line of the intellectual property unless there are any special circumstances. Accordingly, the court below's decision that a title trust relation exists between the plaintiff and the defendant as to the part of the crime of this case based on the fact of recognition is inconsistent with

Therefore, the judgment of the court below shall be reversed and the case shall be remanded to the Jeonju District Court Panel Division. It is so decided as per Disposition with the assent of all participating Justices.

Justices Kim Jong-hee (Presiding Justice)

심급 사건
-전주지방법원 1986.9.11선고 86나217