(영문) 춘천지방법원 강릉지원 2007.5.10.선고 2006구합805 판결



2006Guhap805 Revocation, etc. of a disposition of cancellation, etc. of a certificate of assignment of local mechanical records.



강원 ㅇㅇ군ㅇㅇ읍ㅇㅇ리000

소송대리인변호사 ㅇㅇㅇ



소송대리인변호사 ㅇㅇㅇ

Conclusion of Pleadings

March 29, 2007

Imposition of Judgment

May 10, 2007


1. The Defendant’s revocation of the disposition of dismissal from office on July 1, 2003, which the Plaintiff on October 16, 2006, and the revocation of the disposition of dismissal from office on the part of the Plaintiff on July 1, 2003, and the revocation of the disposition of appointment on the part of the Plaintiff on the part of July 1,

2. The Defendant’s disposition of issuing local machinery equipment (Grade VIII) to the Plaintiff on October 24, 2006 shall be revoked.

3. This Court approves that, with respect to a case for which an application for suspension of execution has been filed, the suspension of validity has been completed on December 7, 2006.

4. The costs of the lawsuit are assessed against the defendant.

Purport of claim

The same shall apply to the order.


1. Details of the disposition;

가. ㅇㅇ군 인사위원회 위원장은 2003. 6. 5. 피고에게 "2003년 제2회 지방공무원 제 한경쟁 특별임용시험 시행계획"(이하 위 시험을 '이 사건 시험'이라고 하고, 위 시행계 획을 '이 사건 시험 시행계획'이라고 한다 )을 통보하고, 같은 날 "제2회 ㅇㅇ군 지방공 무원 제한경쟁 특별임용시험 시행계획 공고"(이하 위 공고를 ' 이 사건 시험 공고'라고 한다) 를 하였는바, 이 사건 시험 시행계획의 주요 내용은 다음과 같다.

(1) Necessity of the examination of this case: normal operation of water supply and sewerage work places and special duties area.

to facilitate the promotion of military justice by filling vacancies, and to promote the promotion of public officials subordinate to the organization;

then boosting fraud

(2)The number of persons to be selected: one person of class 9 in the electricity service, one person of class 9 in the machinery service, and one person in the technical service.

10-2 driverless 10-2

(3) examination method: 1 - Document screening, 2 - Interview

(iv)qualification requirements

가) ㅇㅇ군 지방공무원 인사규칙 제14조( 갑 제6호증의 2의 이 사건 시험 시행계획

section 15 listed in the column for limitation of qualification among the qualifications for application ("Article 15" shall be deemed to be a clerical error of "Article 14")

holders of qualifications in a field related to the affairs of the appointment for appointment;

(B) in the case of electrical or mechanical workers, as of the date of interview with a person who holds more than a certificate of qualification in the relevant field;

·Persons who are engaged in a technical (electric and mechanical) position in the military (Provided, That persons among applicants, persons among applicants

Where there is no certificate holder, an industrial engineer or an industrial engineer's certificate;

A person who holds a master's license)

나. 원고는 1996. 3. 26.자로 ㅇㅇ군 위생환경사업소에 기능직 공무원(지방기계원 10 급 시보)으로 신규 임용되어, 1996. 9. 26.자로 지방기계원 10급, 1998. 2. 21.자로 지 방기계원 9급 , 2003. 4. 1.자로 지방기계원 8급 대우로 승진 발령받아 근무하던 중, 2003. 6.경 기능사 자격증 소지자로서 이 사건 시험에 응시하여 1· 2차 시험을 거쳐 최종 합격한 후, 지방기계서기보시보로 발령 처분을 받고자 기능직 공무원직(지방기계 원 9급) 을 사직하였다.

다. 피고는 원고에 대해 2003. 7. 1.자로 의원면직 처분 및 일반직 공무원인 ㅇㅇ 군 상하수도사업소의 지방기계서기보시보로 임용 처분을 하였고, 2004. 1. 1.자로 지방기 계서기보, 2005. 7. 1.자로 지방기계서기로 승진 발령하였다 .

라. 2005. 9.경 강원도 종합감사반은 ㅇㅇ군에 대한 정기종합감사를 실시하면서, 이 ○군 인사위원회 위원장 작성의 이 사건 시험 시행결의 및 공고에서, 전기직 · 기계직 의 응시자격요건으로 '산업기사 자격증 소지자가 없는 경우 기능사 자격증 소지자'까지 응시자격을 부여한 것은 지방공무원임용령 제17조 제1항 제2호 및 ㅇㅇ군 지방공무원 인사규칙(2004. 5. 29. 규칙 제1037호로 개정되기 전의 것 , 이하 같다 ) 제14조 제1항 [별표 5]의 자격요건을 위반한 것으로 위법 ·부당하므로, 그 시정 방법으로 원고에 대 한 지방기계서기보시보 임용 처분 등을 취소하고, 현재 소지한 자격증 및 경력에 적합 한 직렬에 재임용하라는 내용의 처분 요구를 하였다.

E. Accordingly, on October 16, 2006, the defendant issued a disposition to revoke the dismissal of the plaintiff from office on July 1, 2003, and the appointment of the replacement of the replacement of the replacement of the replacement of the replacement of the replacement of the replacement of the replacement of the replacement of the local machinery on July 1, 2003, and on October 24, 2006 (hereinafter "each of the dispositions in this case").

바. 원고는 이 사건 각 처분에 불복하여 2006. 11. 14. ㅇㅇㅇ지방소청심사위원회에 2006-19호로 소청심사를 청구하였으나, ㅇㅇㅇ지방소청심사위원회는 2007. 1. 29. 원고 의 청구를 기각한다는 결정을 하였다.

[Reasons for Recognition] Unsatisfy, Gap evidence 1-1, 2, Gap evidence 2, 8, Gap evidence 6-1 to 6

3. The entry of No. 1 and the purport of the whole pleadings

2. Whether each of the dispositions of this case is legitimate

A. The plaintiff's assertion

(1) Even if the resolution and notice of the examination of this case violated the provisions of Article 14(1) [Attachment 5] of the Regulations on the Personnel Management of Local Public Officials of ○○○○ Military, the said personnel rules only have the effect inside the administrative organization, and do not have external binding force, and thus, they are not binding force upon the plaintiff who applied for the examination of this case by meeting the qualification requirements according to the public notice of the examination of this case. Thus, the disposition for appointment of the plaintiff as a local machinery library as of July 1, 2003 is lawful, and therefore, each of the dispositions of this case against the plaintiff is unlawful on the premise that the defendant's above disposition is unlawful.

(2 ) 가사 피고의 원고에 대한 2003. 7. 1. 자 지방기계서기보시보 임용 처분이 ㅇㅇ 군 지방공무원 인사규칙 제14조 제1항 [별표5]의 규정을 위반하여 위법하다고 하더라 도 이 사건 각 처분은 신뢰보호의 원칙에 반하여 위법하다. 즉, ① 원고는 이 사건 시 험 공고의 응시자격요건을 신뢰하여 이 사건 시험에 응시하였고, ② 이 사건 시험 공 고가 정당하다고 신뢰한 데 대하여 원고에게 어떠한 귀책사유도 없었으며, ③ 원고는 이 사건 시험에 합격한 후 2003. 7. 1.자로 지방기계서기보시보로 임용된 이래 약 3년 4개월 이상 근무하였으므로, 피고가 원고에 대한 2003. 7. 1.자 지방기계서기보시보 임 용 처분을 취소한다면 , 그 취소로 달성하려는 공익과 비교하여 원고가 입는 피해가 너 무나 크다고 할 것이어서, 피고의 이 사건 각 처분은 신뢰보호의 원칙에 반한다 .

(3) In addition, even if there is a defect in violation of the laws and regulations in the so-called beneficial administrative disposition, such as the defendant's appointment of local machinery bulletin as of July 1, 2003 against the plaintiff, when it is apparent that the administrative agency's cancellation of the disposition results in the deprivation of the right to use, the disposition may be cancelled only when it is necessary for the important public interest to justify it, or for the protection of a third party's interests. In this case, each disposition of this case is unlawful in that it is against the legal principles of the restriction on the right to cancel, since it is not necessary for the important public interest to justify it, or there is no need to protect the third party's interests.

B. Relevant statutes

It is as shown in the attached Form.

(c) Fact of recognition;

(1) 피고는 ㅇㅇ군 상하수도 사업소의 정상적 운영과 하위직 직원의 사기 진작을 위해 이 사건 시험을 시행하고자 2003. 6. 3. ㅇㅇ 군 인사위원회 위원장(○○군 부군 수)에게 선발예정인원, 시험방법, 응시자격(○○군에 재직하는 기능직, 일용직, 별정직 공무원 중 관련 분야에 자격증을 소지한 자 ) 등에 대한 사전심의 의결을 요구하는 ' 인 사위원회 사전심의요구서' 를 송부하였다.

(2 ) 당시 피고는 ㅇㅇ군 인사위원회 위원장에게 '지방공무원 제한경쟁 특별임용시 험 요구' 라는 제목의 문서를 함께 보내면서, 그 문건에 '2003년 제2회 지방공무원 제한 경쟁 특별채용 계획'서를 첨부하였는데, 그 계획서에는 이 사건 시험의 응시자격으로 "공고일 현재 동일 분야 기능직 공무원으로 ㅇㅇ군에 재직 중인 자 중 지방기계 9급의 경우 ㅇㅇ 군 지방공무원 인사규칙 제14조 제1항 [별표5]에 따라 '산업기사 자격증 이 상' 소지자" 로 그 자격 및 경력을 제한하였다.

(3) ㅇㅇ군 인사위원회는 2003. 6. 5. ㅇㅇ군청 부군수실에서 이 사건 시험 시행을 결의함에 있어서 피고가 당초 송부한 이 사건 시험의 응시자격 제한요건과 달리 그 요 건을 완화하여 결의한 후, 같은 날 피고에게 이 사건 시험 시행계획을 통보하고, 이 사 건 시험 공고를 하였는바, 그 내용은 위 1. 가. (1)항에 기재된 바와 같다 .

(4) 2005. 10. 5.경 ㅇㅇㅇ 종합감사반장 ㅇㅇㅇ은 ㅇㅇ군 인사위원회 위원장인 이 ○군 부군수에게, 원고에 대한 2003. 7. 1.자 지방기계서기보시보 임용 처분이 지방공 무원임용령 제17조 제1항 제2호 및 ○○군 지방공무원 인사규칙 제14조 제1항 [별표5] 를 위반한 점에 대한 의견 및 앞으로의 처리 대책에 대한 의견을 요구하는 질문서를 송부하였다.

(5) 이에 대해 ㅇㅇ군 기획감사실장 ㅇㅇㅇ은 ㅇㅇㅇ 종합감사반장에게, 위와 같이 자격요건을 완화한 것은 "업무연찬 미숙과 ㅇㅇ군 인사위원회에서 응시자격을 별도로 정하면 되는 것으로 ㅇㅇ군 지방공무원 인사규칙 제10조 제4항의 규정을 잘못 해석한 데에서 비롯된 것으로서 이를 시정하기 위해 원고에 대한 일반직 공무원 임용 처분을 취소하고 기능직 공무원으로 재임용하겠다."는 취지의 답변서를 송부하였다.

(6) 그 후 ㅇㅇㅇ 종합감사반에서는 피고에게 "원고에 대한 지방기계서기보시보 임 용 처분을 취소하고, 임용 전 경력을 감안하여 현재 소지한 자격증 및 경력에 적합한 직렬에 재임용 조치하기 바란다."라는 취지의 감사결과처분요구서를 송부하였고, 이에 따라 피고는 원고에 대하여 이 사건 각 처분을 하였다.

[Reasons for Recognition] Uncontentious Facts, Gap evidence 1, 4, and 7 1, 2, Gap evidence 2, 3, 5, 8, and 6

Statements of evidence-1 to 3-1 and the purport of the whole pleadings

D. Determination

Among each of the dispositions of this case, each of the dispositions of this case, excluding the part of the defendant's revocation disposition of appointment as a local machinery library on July 1, 2003, with the exception of the part of the defendant's revocation disposition of appointment as a local machinery library, is a disposition that is in a relation with the revocation disposition of the above appointment and is issued in addition to the revocation disposition of the above revocation disposition. Thus, the above disposition of this case was examined with a focus on the propriety

(1) Whether a disposition of appointment as a local machine display on July 1, 2003 is legitimate

(A) The so-called administrative rule established in an internal relationship with an administrative organization is generally effective only within the administrative organization and does not have external binding power. However, if a provision of a law grants a certain administrative agency the authority to determine the specific contents of the statute in the form of an administrative rule and specifically determines the matters to be the contents of the statute in the form of an administrative rule, such administrative rule, regulation, etc. has the function to supplement the contents of the statute by providing the administrative agency with the authority to supplement the specific contents of the statute. Therefore, insofar as it does not go beyond the bounds of delegation of the pertinent statute, it has the effect as an order to clarify the law which is externally binding upon its combination with those of those regulations (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decisions 97Nu1915, Jun. 9, 1998; 2001Du3532, Jul. 26, 2002).

( 나 ) ㅇㅇ군 지방공무원 인사규칙은 원래 행정규칙에 해당하나, 이는 지방공무원 임용령 제4조에 따라 지방자치단체의 장이 법령에서 위임된 사항 또는 지방공무원임용 령의 시행에 관하여 필요한 사항을행정자치부장관 또는 교육인적자원부장관이정하는 범위 안에서 정한 지방자치단체의 규칙으로서 지방공무원법이나 지방공무원임용령의 구체적 내용을 보충하는 것이고, 그 내용 또한 상대방에게 권리의 설정 또는 의무의 부담을 명하거나 기타 법적인 효과를 발생하게 하는 등으로 상대방의 권리 · 의무에 직 접 영향을 미치는 것이므로, 위 인사규칙은 지방공무원법이나 지방공무원임용령과 결 합하여 대외적인 구속력을 갖는 법규명령으로서의 효력을 갖게 된다고 봄이 상당하다.

( 다 ) 따라서 이 사건 시험에서의 응시자격요건(산업기사 자격증 소지자가 없는 경우 기능사 자격증 소지자)은 대외적인 구속력이 있는 지방공무원임용령 제17조 제1 항 제2호 및 ㅇㅇ군 지방공무원 인사규칙 제14조 제1항 [별표5]의 규정을 위반한 것이 므로, 이와 같이 위법하게 응시자격요건을 완화한 시험에 위 법규에 규정된 자격요건 을 갖추지 못한 원고가 응시 · 합격하여 2003. 7. 1.자로 일반직 공무원인 지방기계서기 보시보로 임용되었다고 하더라도, 그와 같은 임용 처분은 대외적 구속력이 있는 법규 를 위반한 것으로서 위법하다고 할 것이다.

(2) Whether the principle of trust protection is applied or not

In general, in administrative legal relations, in order to apply the principle of the protection of trust to the acts of an administrative agency, first, the administrative agency should name the public opinion that is the object of trust to the individual, second, the administrative agency should not be responsible to the individual with respect to the trust of the individual, third, the individual should have trusted and trusted the opinion list, third, the administrative agency should have made a disposition contrary to the above opinion list, thereby infringing the individual's trust in the name of the opinion list, fourth, the administrative agency should make a disposition contrary to the above opinion list, thereby infringing the individual's interest, and last, the administrative disposition pursuant to the above opinion list should not be likely to seriously undermine the public interest or legitimate interests of a third party (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decisions 200Du8684, Sept. 28, 2001; 2004Du13592, Feb. 24, 2006).

(A) Whether a disposition of appointment as a local machine display on July 1, 2003 is void as a matter of course.

Even if the defendant did not know that he was disqualified due to the state's negligence when he was disqualified for appointment as a public official, the appointment act is void automatically, and it is found that he was appointed as a public official by the State without knowing that he was disqualified for appointment as a public official after being appointed by the State, and that he was disqualified later, and the cancellation of the appointment status of the public official is nothing more than an act of confirming that the original appointment act was null and void automatically from the beginning. Thus, in this sense, the defendant asserts that the principle of trust protection cannot be applied in cancelling the initial appointment disposition which is null and void as in this case.

In order to be appointed as a public official by declaring the principle of sexual (performance) as a basic principle of appointment, the Local Public Officials Act requires not only the ability requirements that do not fall under the grounds for disqualification as stipulated in each subparagraph of Article 31 of the above Act, but also the sexual requirements that should pass an appointment examination as well as the various qualifications required by the law actively. The appointment of a person who meets the requirements of capacity must be viewed as a ground for revocation, because the defect is significant and obvious (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decisions 98Du12932, Oct. 23, 1998; 97Du3759, Jun. 26, 1998; 97Du3759, Jun. 26, 1998). In this case, the principle of protection of trust can be applied to the case where the sexual requirements of this case are problematic.

Therefore, the defendant's above assertion is not acceptable. The above review of the application of this case to each of the relevant requirements of the principle of trust protection as seen earlier.

(B) Official statement of opinion of the administrative agency

1) 이 사건 시험 공고에서 일반직 공무원인 전기직 · 기계직 9급의 응시자격요 건에 대해 지방공무원임용령 제17조 제1항 제2호 및 ㅇㅇ군 지방공무원 인사규칙 제 14조 제1항 [별표5]에 규정된 '산업기사 자격증 소지자'가 아니라 '산업기사 자격증 소 지자가 없는 경우 기능사 자격증 소지자'까지 그 범위를 확장한 것은 일응 행정청의 공적인 견해표명에 해당한다고 할 것이다.

2) 이에 대해 피고는, ㅇㅇ군 인사위원회는 피고와 별개의 기관인바, ㅇㅇ군 인사위원회가 임의로 피고가 사전심의를 요구한 계획서와는 달리 응시자격요건을 완 화 · 수정하여 이 사건 시험 공고를 하고 시험을 실시하였으므로, 피고로서는 위법하게 심의 · 의결된 ○○군 인사위원회의 이 사건 시험 공고의 견해표명에 기속되지 않는다 는 취지로 주장한다.

살피건대, ① 지방자치단체의 장은 지방공무원법이 정하는 바에 따라 그 소 속 공무원의 임명 · 휴직 · 면직과 징계를 행하는 권한을 가지고(지방공무원법 제6조), 지방자치단체에는 임용권자별로 인사위원회를 두어야 하는 점(같은 법 제7조 제1항), ② 인사위원회의 위원장은 시 · 군 · 구의 경우 부시장 · 부군수 ·부구청장이 되고, 이에 따라 ㅇㅇ군 인사위원회 위원장은 ㅇㅇ군 부군수인 점(같은 법 제9조 제1항), ③ 인사 위원회 위원장은 인사위원회에서 결정된 사항을 당해 지방자치단체의 장에게 통지하여 야 하는 점(지방공무원임용령 제9조 제2항), ④ 9급 공무원의 신규임용시험은 임용권자 의 요구에 의하여 당해 지방자치단체 인사위원회가 실시하는데, 임용권자가 특별임용 시험에 의하여 공무원을 임용하고자 할 때에는 당해 임용 예정직급, 특별임용이 불가 피한 사유, 임용예정자의 학력 ·경력 연구실적 및 기타 필요한 사항을 첨부하여 시험실 시기관의 장에게 요구하여야 하는 점(같은 령 제18조 제1항, 제42조의2 제4항 본문) 등에 나타난 임용권자와 인사위원회의 관계, 인사위원회의 인적 구성 및 그 권한과 의 무, 9급 공무원에 대한 특별임용시험 절차 등을 종합해보면, 비록 인사위원회가 독립된 합의제 행정기관으로서 이 사건 시험을 주관하였다고 하더라도, 적어도 이 사건 시험 공고 등 인사위원회의 공적인 견해표명은 결국 피고의 공무원 임용을 위한 일련의 과 정 중 일부에 속하는 것이어서, 피고로서는 ㅇㅇ군 인사위원회가 피고의 사전심의 요 구 계획서와 다른 응시자격요건을 공고하였다고 하더라도 이에 기속된다고 봄이 상당 하다. 따라서 피고의 위 주장은 받아들일 수 없다.

(C) Whether there is a cause attributable to the Plaintiff

1) 앞서 본 사실 관계, 특히 ㅇㅇ 군 인사위원회가 이 사건 시험에서 응시자격 요건을 완화한 데 대해 , 인사위원회가 응시자격을별도로 정하면 되는 것으로 ㅇㅇ군 지방공무원 인사규칙 제10조 제4항의 규정을 잘못 해석하였기 때문이라고 시인한 점 등을 고려하면, 당시 원고가 이 사건 시험 공고를 정당하다고 신뢰한 데 대한 귀책사 유가 있다고 볼 수 없다.

2) On this issue, the Defendant asserts that the notice of the examination in this case contains the phrase “successful document preparation and the cancellation of passing when finding grounds for disqualification after publishing the notice of the examination in this case.” Thus, the Plaintiff could have anticipated that the passing would be cancelled if the grounds for disqualification were discovered at the time of the examination in this case, and thus, the Plaintiff is responsible for the cause attributable to the Plaintiff.

In addition, even though the phrase "in the notice of the examination in this case, preparation of false documents, revocation of passing in the event of finding grounds for disqualification," it is reasonable to see that the term "disqualification for appointment" in this case refers to absolute grounds for disqualification as provided by Article 31 of the Local Public Officials Act, or at least equivalent reasons for disqualification, and further, it cannot be deemed that the grounds for qualification requirements as provided by the notice of this case are grounds for disqualification. In addition, the plaintiff who did not prepare false documents, and the plaintiff who meets the qualifications for qualification as notified, could not be deemed to have anticipated that his passing would be revoked, and it cannot be deemed that there are any causes attributable to the plaintiff. Accordingly, the defendant's above assertion is rejected.

(D) The plaintiff's application for the examination and each disposition of this case by the defendant

According to the above factual relationship, although the plaintiff applied for the examination of this case as the holder of a certificate of qualification as a new notice of the examination of this case and passed the examination of this case, the disposition of this case by the defendant, resulting in infringement of the legal interest that can serve as a public official in general service.

(E) Whether a disposition of appointment as a local machine display on July 1, 2003 is likely to seriously undermine the legitimate interest of the public interest.

살피건대, ① 갑 제3호증, 갑 제7호증의 1, 2의 각 기재에 의하면, ⑤ 이 사 건 시험은 ㅇㅇ군 상하수도 사업소의 정상적인 운영과 하위직 공무원의 사기 진작을 위해 ㅇㅇ군청 재직 공무원 중 제한경쟁 특별임용시험을 통해 일반직 및 기능직 공무 원을 임용하기 위한 것이었던 점, ㉡ ㅇㅇ 군 인사위원회가 이 사건 시험 시행계획을 의결하면서 전기직 · 기계직 일반직 공무원의 응시자격요건을 지방공무원임용령 제17조 제1항 제2호 , ㅇㅇ군 지방공무원 인사규칙 제14조 제1항 [별표5]에 규정된 자격요건보 다 완화한 이유는, ㅇㅇ군 소속 상하수도 업무를 수행하던 기능직 공무원들이 2002년 태풍 루사로 인해 ㅇㅇ군 일대에 발생한 피해를 복구하기 위해 헌신적으로 노력하며 평소에도 묵묵히 공무수행을 한 점을 높이 평가하여 기능직 공무원들의 사기를 높이 고, 나아가 그 처우를 개선하기 위한 것이었던 점인 사실이 인정되고, 한편 ② 원고는 기능직 공무원으로 태풍 피해 복구를 위해 헌신적으로 노력하는 등 약 7년간 성실히 근무하면서 이 사건 시험에 응시하여 합격하였고, 그 후에도 일반직 공무원으로서 3년 4개월 이상 성실히 자신의 책무를 다해 온 것으로 보이는바, 위와 같은 이 사건 시험 시행의 의도 및 원고의 근무기간 및 지위 등을 고려하면 , 이 사건에서 ㅇㅇ군을 위해 성실히 근무해 온 원고가 일반직 공무원으로 임용되어 얻게 되는 사익이, 산업기사 자 격을 요함에도 기능사 자격증만을 소지한 원고를 임용함으로써 잃게 되는 공익보다 결 코 가볍다고 볼 수 없다고 할 것이어서, 피고의 원고에 대한 2003. 7. 1.자 지방기계서 기보시보 임용 처분으로 인하여 공익의 정당한 이익을 현저히 해할 우려가 있다고 할 수 없다.

(f) Sub-decisions

Therefore, the defendant's dispositions of this case are illegal dispositions against the principle of trust protection.

(3) Restriction on the right of revocation

(A) Furthermore, we examine whether each of the dispositions of this case is against the legal principles of the restriction on the right of revocation.

Even if there is a defect in violation of laws and regulations in an administrative disposition, where a disposition agency which has performed an administrative act revokes or withdraws a passive administrative disposition, it infringes on the people's vested rights. Thus, even if there is a reason such as revocation, the exercise of the right to revoke, etc. is limited to the necessity of important public interest to justify the infringement of the vested rights or the necessity of protecting a third party's interests, and where the other party's disadvantage, etc. is enormous than the necessity of public interest due to the disposition, the exercise of the right to revoke, etc. is determined by comparison and comparison with the disadvantage suffered by the other party and it is unlawful (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decisions 2003Du10251, 10268, Nov. 26, 2004; 2003Du76Nu30, Jul. 12, 197).

(B) On July 1, 2003, the Defendant’s appointment of a local machinery library as of July 1, 2003 to the Plaintiff constitutes an administrative act equivalent to the so-called beneficial administrative disposition. Each of the dispositions of this case is a disposition that cancels the Plaintiff’s vested rights because of the defect in administrative act corresponding to the beneficial administrative disposition, and thus infringes the Plaintiff’s vested rights. In such case, even if there are grounds for cancellation of each of the dispositions of this case as seen in paragraph (d)(1) of the above 2. D., as seen in paragraph (2)(e) of the above 2.D., it is determined that the Plaintiff’s disadvantage being infringed upon the Plaintiff’s vested rights as a public official in general service rather than the need for public interest to cancel the appointment of a public official in general service to the Plaintiff, and even if the Defendant issued personnel administration to the Plaintiff again as a public official in general service as of July 8, 200, each of the dispositions of this case violates the legal principles of this case’s discretionary rights to be revoked.

3. Conclusion

Therefore, the plaintiff's claim of this case shall be accepted on the grounds of all of the claims, and the decision of suspension of validity on December 7, 2006 as to the case of application for suspension of execution for suspension of execution of 2006ia 19 shall be approved, and it is so decided as per Disposition.


o (Presiding Judge)



Site of separate sheet

Relevant statutes

Local Public Officials Act

Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Act is to establish the fundamental criteria for the personnel administration, which apply to public officials of local governments (referring to local public officials borne at the expense of local governments; hereinafter referred to as "public officials"), and to promote the democratic and efficient operation of the administration for local autonomy.

Article 6 (Appointing Authority)

(1) The heads of local governments (including the superintendents of education in the Special Metropolitan City, Metropolitan Cities, and Dos; hereinafter the same shall apply) shall be as prescribed by this Act.

A public official under his/her jurisdiction shall have the authority to appoint, suspend, dismiss, and take disciplinary action (hereinafter referred to as "right to appoint").

Article 7 (Establishment of Personnel Committee)

(1) Persons with appointment authority for local governments (excluding persons with appointment authority delegated, but the head of a Si/Gun and local government among them

A personnel committee shall be established for each institution under its jurisdiction as deemed necessary, and the Special Metropolitan City, Metropolitan City, and Do (including the head thereof)

(n) The Do personnel committee and the 2 personnel committee may, if necessary, be established in the City/Do.

(2) The personnel committee shall be composed of not less than seven but not more than nine members, and two members commissioned pursuant to subparagraphs of paragraph (3) above.

shall be at least one percent of the total value.

(3) The members shall be public officials (including state public officials) of the local government concerned and persons falling under the following subparagraphs:

The head of a local government shall be appointed or commissioned by the head of the local government from among persons with abundant knowledge and experience in the schedule.

Matters necessary for cases shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree: Provided, That the head of the testing agency shall separately appoint an examiner.

may be filed.

1. A person qualified as a judge, prosecutor or lawyer;

2. An elementary school, middle school, high school, or higher position as an assistant professor or higher in charge of law, public administration, or education at a university;

A person who is in the position of principal or assistant principal;

3. A person retired after working as a public official (including state public officials) for twenty or more years;

4. The head of a regional unit organization that has worked in a nonprofit non-profit private organization under the Assistance for Nonprofit Non-Governmental Organizations Act for ten years or longer

Article 8 (Functions, etc. of Personnel Committee)

(1) The personnel committee shall administer the following affairs:

1. Prior deliberation on plans to recruit public officials and conducting various examinations for appointment;

2. Prior resolution on the standards for the management of assignment and the standards for promotion and transfer at the request of the appointing authority;

3. Prior consideration of promotion;

4. Resolution on disciplinary action by public officials upon request of the appointing authority;

5. Prior deliberation on bills and rules related to the personnel affairs of public officials presented to the local council;

6. Other matters under its jurisdiction pursuant to Acts and subordinate statutes or Municipal Ordinance.

Article 9 (Agencies in Personnel Committee)

(1) The Personnel Committee shall have a vice-chairperson, who shall be appointed from among the vice-chairpersons appointed as state public officials of Cities/Dos.

The deputy head of a private company, the vice-superintendent of education, or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (referring to an autonomous Gu; hereinafter the same shall apply) shall be the deputy head of a Si/Gun/Gu,

shall be elected by the personnel committee of the year: Provided, That the chairperson and the vice-chairperson of the personnel committee established at the agency entrusted

shall be elected by the personnel committee concerned.

Article 27 (New Appointment)

(1) New public officials shall be appointed through an open competitive examination.

(2) A special employment examination may be conducted in any of the following cases:

2. If it is inadequate to appoint any person through an open competitive examination, a person holding a certificate of qualification for the duties to be assigned shall be appointed;

(2) In the case

3. A person who has worked in the same class as a expected class for appointment and is scheduled to be employed for a period prescribed by Presidential Decree;

Where a person who has at least three years of work or research performance equivalent to his/her pay is appointed;

Article 28 (Probationary Appointment)

(1) Where a public official in Grade V is newly appointed, he/she shall be appointed for one year, and when a public official in Grade VI or lower in technical service is appointed.

shall be appointed as a probationary for a period of six months, and if he/she has excellent service records during such period, he/she shall be appointed as a regular public official.

(c) Probationary appointment may be exempted or the period thereof may be shortened in cases prescribed by Presidential Decree;

Article 31 (Grounds for Disqualification)

No person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs, shall be a public official:

1. Incompetent or quasi-incompetent;

2. A person who was declared bankrupt and has not been reinstated;

3. A child who was sentenced to imprisonment without prison labor or a heavier punishment and for whom five years have not passed after the execution thereof was terminated or non-execution became definite;


4. A person who was sentenced to imprisonment without prison labor or a heavier punishment and for whom two years have not passed after the period of the suspension expires;

5. A person under the period of suspended sentence of imprisonment without prison labor or heavier punishment;

6. A person whose qualification is forfeited or suspended by a court ruling or by other Acts.

7. A person who was removed by a disciplinary action, and for whom five years have not passed thereafter.

8. A person who was dismissed by a disciplinary action, and for whom three years have not passed thereafter.

Article 32 (Conduct of Examination)

(2) Any examination for new appointment of public officials of Grades VIII and IX, any examination for promotion to Grades VI through VIII, and any transfer to Grades VI through IX.

The personnel committee of the relevant local government for a new appointment, promotion and change of occupation of a public official in the position examination or technical service;

the corporation.

Article 35 (Public Notice on Examinations)

(1) If an open competitive examination for new appointment, open competitive examination for promotion, or limited competitive special examination is conducted, a class to be appointed;

Matters necessary for the number of applicants, method, time, place, etc. of the examination shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.

notice shall be given in accordance with this subsection.

Local Appointment Decree

Article 4 (Enforcement Regulations)

(1) The head of a local government (including the superintendent of an office of education; hereinafter the same shall apply) shall carry out matters delegated by statutes or this Decree.

Local autonomy concerned within the scope as determined by the Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs.

The rules of the organization (including educational rules; hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") shall be prescribed by the rules of the organization.

Article 9 (Personnel Committee)

(2) The chairperson shall notify the head of the relevant local government of matters determined by the Personnel Committee.

Article 17 (Requirements for Special Appointment)

(1) A special appointment under Article 27 (2) of the Act shall fall under any of the following subparagraphs:

2. Where a person who holds a qualification certificate for the duties to be assigned under Article 27 (2) 2 of the Act is specially appointed;

shall be a person with a certificate of qualification under the relevant Acts and subordinate statutes or the rules of national technical qualification. In this respect,

The classification of qualification and career standards for each prospective class of appointment shall be prescribed by rule.

3. A person who has worked in the same class as a class to be assigned in accordance with Article 27 (2) 3 of the Act;

In case of appointment, a person who has worked in the same class for at least two years, and a position equivalent to the expected class for appointment.

If it is intended to appoint a person with no or research experience, in a job field related to the expected position for appointment.

equivalent to the expected class of appointment determined by the Rule as a person who has served or has worked for at least three years;

shall meet the career standards. In such cases, three years have not passed since the date of the request for the examination;

must be the person.

Article 18 (Requests for Special Appointment Examinations)

(1) A person who has appointment authority shall, when he/she intends to appoint a public official through a special employment examination, employ the relevant class and special appointment.

The examination agency shall attach inevitable reasons, academic background, career, research performance, and other necessary matters of the person to be selected;

The head of the Gu shall request the examination.

Article 42-2 (Agencies and Procedures for Examinations for Appointment)

(4) Any examination for selecting public officials of Grades VIII and IX, for promotion to Grades VII through IX, or for a change of position of public officials of Grades VI or lower.

The personnel committee of the local government concerned has implemented the examination for appointment of public officials in technical service upon request of the appointing authority.


ㅇㅇ군 지방공무원 인사규칙(2004. 5. 29. 규칙 제1037호로 개정되기 전의 것)

Article 5 (Examination Publication of Technical Skilled Officials)

The head of the agency conducting the open competitive examination for new appointment of public officials in technical service shall announce the results of the examination by newspapers, broadcasting, or net website or by other effective methods 20 days prior to the date of examination if the number of appointment exceeds 10 persons, and by 10 days prior to the date of examination if the number of appointment is not more than 10 persons, respectively.

Article 10 (Exception to Application for Examination)

(4) Where an appointment authority or the head of an examination agency implements a special examination for special employment of limited competition pursuant to Article 27 (3) of the Act, he/she may, if deemed especially necessary, separately determine his/her qualifications for application, such as age, academic background or residency requirements, and conduct the examination or request the implementation of the examination

Article 14 (Qualifications for Application for Special Appointment Examinations)

(1) Qualifications for applying for a special examination for public officials in general service or technical service under Article 17 (1) 2 of the Decree.

The requirements are as shown in attached Table 5.

[Attachment 5]

Requirements for eligibility for special examinations for public officials in general service and technical service of holders;

1. Application for special examination of a holder of qualification certificate (excluding a qualification certificate in the technical field of the service field) under the National Technical Qualifications Act;

Qualification Requirements

(a) Classification of qualification certificates by expected rank for appointment and classification of required career records;

(1) A public official in general service

A person shall be appointed.

(2) A public official in technical service

A person shall be appointed.