본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2012.07.20 2012고합112

A defendant shall be punished by death.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, at around 2001, stated in the instant indictment as “201,” but is obvious that it is a clerical error in writing, even though it is written as “201.”

From 5 years to 206, the decision was made in 2006, but around 2008, the person who left home again, was deprived of his will to live, lost his will to live, and since 2011, the defendant's personal taxi license and passenger car created by the defendant's type D with the amount of KRW 86 million in the board, which was 86 million in the amount of money.

The defendant, while living together with his family members, was able to pay the above money, lost his will to live in the 7.5 million Won-man's life by taking advantage of his son, and caused suicide. However, he thought that his parents and children living together with her death will be suffering from suffering that they could not maintain their livelihood, and he thought that they will kill them with a kitchen knife in their place of residence.

1. Around 08:00 on February 28, 2012, the Defendant continued to live, and around 08:0, at the Defendant’s residence of the E apartment 102 and 1406, the Defendant used the kitchen knife (the total length of 31cc, 22cc) in the kitchen, and killed the victim’s f (the age of 74), who was the mother of the Plaintiff, in the kitchen, on two occasions, once more times, such as the flife, the flife, the flife, the flife’s father, who was the flife’s father, caused the Defendant to die the victim’s knife at one time, and the flife’s flife, the flife of G with the above kitchen knife at one time, and caused the victims to die the victim’s knife at one time.

2. In the case of murder at the toilet located above the same time and at the same time, the victim, who is a mixed child, when he kills his parents, kills his grandchildren and the kitchen knife, etc., was in a cleaning agent, with the victim G, without the victim F, was in the front state of the Defendant, and the Defendant committed suicide to the Defendant.
