Defendants are not guilty.
1. The summary of the facts charged is that the Defendants are operating the “E Game Center” in the Gangwon-gu Pyeongtaek-gun D by means of a group of businesses.
No one shall provide game products for the distribution or use, the contents of which are different from the rating obtained by the Game Products Management Committee, or display or keep the same for such purposes.
Game products, which are installed in the E-Game game room operated by the defendants, are game products automatically discharged when the users play a string on the left and right of the screen while the locking game is being carried out in the background of the sea, and the users play a string to the water flag corresponding to the fashion set forth in the window of the screen while the locking is adjusted and appeared on the left and right of the screen.
그럼에도 피고인들은 2014. 9. 24.경부터 2014. 10. 17.경까지 위 E 게임장에서, 특정구간(경품이 배출되는 구간)에서는 자동버튼누름장치(속칭 똑딱이)가 일정 속도로 버튼을 눌러도 상단의 미션 창에 해당하는 물고기가 출현하기 전까지는 미사일이 발사되지 않고, 미션 물고기가 출현해야 미사일이 발사되어 미션이 완성되고 경품이 배출되도록 개조된 약 45대 상당의 SEA DAY 게임물을 설치하고 이를 불특정 다수의 손님들의 이용에 제공하였다.
As a result, the Defendants conspired to provide users with game products different from the contents of the rating classification.
2. According to the evidence duly adopted and examined by the court, the fact that the Defendants provided game products different from the contents of the rating classification obtained by the Game Industry Management Committee can be acknowledged. However, the evidence submitted by the prosecutor alone cannot be said to have proved that the Defendants provided game products different from the contents of the rating with the knowledge that the game products were provided for use.
3. As such, the facts charged in this case are concluded.