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텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2016.09.23 2016고단682

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant through Pins North Korea “A business registered as a regular loan intermediary, a man can borrow up to a maximum of 30 million won for women, and up to a maximum of 40 million won for women, and a person can use a free loan, a principal loan, and a university student loan. The Defendant’s contact note is three numbers.

After posting a letter "," the person who reported and contacted it, the person who opened the mobile phone as a security for the payment of document work expenses and service fees makes it false as if it is possible to lend a large amount of loan through document work, such as a certificate of employment, and made him/her open the mobile phone on his/her own.

Accordingly, on December 2015, the Defendant would receive a loan through financial rights from the victim D (V, 19 years old) who contacted for a loan to a police officer on December 2015, 2015 through the Kakao Stockholm.

“Along with the false representation, the victim has induced the said victim to the Fran shop in Suwon City E, 40% of the principal amount to be loaned to the victim as a fee. Of which the victim wishes to obtain a loan of KRW 10 million, 100,000,000,000 and the remainder 20% of the expenses incurred in preparing the documents shall be paid as a fee.

“In the event of contact with the lending company by informing the lending company of the workplace information about the inducement company, the lending company was able to find employment with the above company.”

Since then, the defendant moved to a mobile phone store located in Suwon-gu G with the victim, and then the victim "be secured to receive a loan fee" is required to get the user a mobile phone by using three cell phoness.

“Falsely speaking, the victim made an application for KT accession 1, 2 copies of the application for LG accession, and 6S 3 mobile phone in the name of the victim (LG U H, IK mobile radio operator J, 1.2 million won in total, 3.6 million won in each market price).

However, the facts are that the defendant was not an employee of the fixed loan brokerage business, and the victim is KRW 10 million.
