A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.
However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.
Punishment of the crime
On November 23, 2010, the Defendant was sentenced to a suspended sentence of 4 months for a violation of the Copyright Act in Gangnam Branch Branch of the Chuncheon District Court, and on September 5, 2012, the Seoul Western District Court was sentenced to a fine of 500,000 won for a violation of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. (obscenity oil) and was sentenced to a fine of
No person shall infringe author's property right or other property rights protected pursuant to the Copyright Act by means of reproduction, public service, public transmission, display, distribution, etc.
Nevertheless, around May 21, 201, the Defendant: (a) up to March 31, 201, up to May 21, 201, up to May 21, 201, distributed a total of 207 works on the Internet site so that many unspecified users can download, without obtaining the permission of the holder of author’s property rights, on the “www. Sudisk.com” (www) “D”; and (b) distributed a drama file, which was downloaded at other Internet-sharing sites, etc., such as reproduction and storage of a copyrighted work and distribution to enable an unspecified number of users to download the file; and (c) obtained points having property value every time other people receive the file that has been downloaded as above.
Accordingly, the defendant habitually infringed the author's property right by reproduction and public transmission for profit.
Summary of Evidence
1. Defendant's legal statement;
1. Investigation report on the hedge business (not less than 300,000 won and not less than 41), the details of cash withdrawal from the hedge business, the detailed details of the conversion of the pole points, the detailed details of the investigation report (the details of posts on the business and the details of the closure of the projected screen), and the investigation report (the details of data on the exchange of belt points);
1. Previous convictions indicated in judgment: Criminal records, investigation reports (Attachment to judgments violating the same Act of the same kind), and investigation reports (report on confirmation of the same attached records);
1. Habituality of the judgment: The records of each crime, the method of crime and the defendant in the judgment.