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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 서부지원 2017.11.01 2017고단478 (1)

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

C Around 2008 when entering the U.S. military unit, from around 2009 to around 2009, was in charge of the duties of classifying and storing goods in Camp Capitals D located in the Haak-gun, Gyeongbuk-gun (Dismissal on February 13, 2017). The Defendant entered the military unit around 1995 and was in charge of the duties of classifying and storing goods in the above D from around 1999, was known to the victim E for 30 years (Resignation on December 1, 2016).

The Defendant and C knew that the above victim wanted to be employed in the U.S. military unit with access to the victim, and agreed that the father of C, as a general manager of the U.S. military unit, would be able to have the victims employed in the U.S. military unit and divide one half of the money from the victims.

C On January 30, 2015, at the second floor near the Magu-dong-gu, Daegu-dong-dong-gu, the defendant was sent to the defendant's introduction on the two sub-sections near the Magu-dong-dong-dong-gu, "The father has worked in the military unit in the dwarf-dong-dong-dong, and the father has worked as a general manager of the department, so the father is allowed to be employed upon his request.

The phrase “F will be employed as full-time workers in the U.S. military unit by requesting the father’s father at the face of money,” and the Defendant also made a false statement to the victim stating that “I will work in the U.S. military unit like C. B., if C’s father requests to C as the person in charge of the department, I may have C work in the U.S. military unit within one month as soon as possible, and at the latest within one year.”

However, in fact, C’s father G was not the person in charge of the department of the U.S. military but rather the person in charge of the service of bus driving in the U.S. military unit, and the Defendant and C were merely Korean workers subordinate to the U.S. military unit, and did not have any intent or ability to employ victims in the U.S. military unit. The Defendant and C are money from victims.
