본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 청주지방법원 2016.07.27 2016가단8985

1. The defendant confirms that the plaintiff is the person entitled to claim the withdrawal of the deposit No. 114 of Cheongju District Court in 2016.



According to the statements in Gap evidence 1 through 7 and Eul evidence 2 through 4, Eul was divided into Eul, and Eul was entered as the owner of the above facts, Eul, D, and Eul's entire certificate of registration, and Eul was entered as the owner of the above facts, Eul's resident in Jincheon-gun F on the whole certificate of registration, and Eul's resident registration number is also entered as Eul's resident registration number. The above resident registration number is G, and the above resident registration number is the same as the resident registration number of the plaintiff. The above resident registration number is the same as the plaintiff's resident registration number, and the reasons for the difference between Eul and Eul's address on the whole certificate of registration (as the entire certificate of registration, the address of the plaintiff is stated as F on the entire certificate of registration, but it cannot be confirmed as the plaintiff's address as H) and the plaintiff's resident registration number is deposited as 114, 2016. Thus, according to the above facts, Gap's claim to expropriate the above land and the plaintiff's resident registration number is clearly recognized as Gap's claim.

As long as the Defendant contests the Plaintiff’s claim for payment of the above deposit money, it is necessary to confirm whether the Plaintiff has such status. Therefore, the instant lawsuit has interest in confirmation.

The plaintiff's claim is accepted on the grounds of the reasons above.
