1. It is confirmed that each land listed in the separate sheet is owned by the plaintiff.
2. The costs of the lawsuit are assessed against the defendant.
1. Facts of recognition;
A. All of the lands listed in the separate sheet are currently unregistered. The lands listed in paragraph (2) of the attached list (A) were divided into the lands listed in paragraph (1) (B) of the attached list around May 18, 1990. The lands listed in paragraphs (3) and (4) of the attached list were divided into the land listed in paragraph (4) of the attached list (C) and the land listed in paragraph (4) (D) around March 1, 1953. The lands listed in paragraph (5) of the attached list (F) were divided into the land listed in paragraph (4) of the attached list (D) around November 29, 206, and the land listed in paragraph (6) of the attached list (G) of the attached list in paragraph (2) of the attached list (short-term 4286) was divided into the land listed in paragraph (1) of the attached list (B) of the attached list (Seoulcheon-gun) and the land listed in paragraph (1) of the attached list (G) of the attached list (8) around 10.16, around March 197, 197.
B. Also, according to the entries of the old land cadastre, the following facts are recognized:
(1) 분할 전 별지 목록 제1항 기재 토지(B)와 충북 진천군 E 토지는 1912(명치 45년). 5. 1.경 O(O, 주소: P, 기타 생년월일 등 인적사항은 기재되어 있지 않다)이 사정을 원인으로 소유자로 기재된 후 1930(소화 5년). 1. 29.경 Q(Q, 주소: R, 기타 생년월일 등 인적사항은 기재되어 있지 않다)로, 1930(소화 5년). 5. 29.경 S(S, 주소: 청주군 T, 기타 생년월일 등 인적사항은 기재되어 있지 않다)으로 각 소유권이전되었다가 1932(소화 7년). 10. 3.경 대창흥업주식회사(大昌興業 株式會社, 경성부 남대문통 1정목 19)로 소유권이 이전되었다.
(2) On March 20, 1912, H land in Jincheon-gun, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongnam-gun, Y prior to subdivision, stating that U (other than the personal information, such as the fishing, address, and other dates of birth, is not indicated) was the owner on the ground of the circumstance and around May 16, 1929 (No 4 years thereafter).