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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2013.06.04 2013고단626


A Imprisonment with prison labor for one year, and for six months, for each of the defendants B.

except that from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant B, a person working as a taxi engineer, was aware of the fact that the smartphones stolen or acquired from E, etc., a taxi engineer, etc., were to purchase money with the knowledge of the fact that they were stolen, and to commit a crime of selling them again to A by selling them again. A.

On January 2013, 2013, the Defendant acquired stolen goods by purchasing a galthno Nogno (falo No. 0049389) from the victim F, which he/she acquired from a taxi driver on his/her name in a place not lower than a police officer, with knowledge that it is a stolen goods.

In addition, from the end of March 2012 to the end of January 2013, 2013, the Defendant acquired about 10 smartphones, which were stolen or acquired by an irregular taxi article by an unlawful means, as described in the attached Table of Crimes (2) from the jurisdiction of Seongbuk-gu, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, to the police officer, and was seized while purchasing about 10 smartphones with knowledge of the fact that it is an stolen article, and keeping them in custody.

Accordingly, the defendant acquired stolens.

B. Around January 8, 2013, the Defendant purchased a total of 58 smartphones from E in the vicinity of the Seongbuk-gu Seoul Yandong, by purchasing approximately KRW 10 million with knowledge of the fact that it is a stolen, as described in attached Table (1), and then sold the 39 smartphones to A, and the 18 smartphones were seized during storage in order to sell them to A, and the remaining 18 smartphones were returned to E.

Accordingly, the defendant acquired stolens.

2. Defendant A purchased smartphones that were stolen or lost from the purchase policies such as B, G, H, I, I, and one-time K, etc. (tentatively named landing) and then takes them out through the crypt (tentatively named landing) of China, or sells them directly to Chinese business operators (tentatively named merchant lines). A. The Defendant is a specialized charge-free importer of smartphones.

The Defendant shall be at the house of Mapo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government L 301, B in January 2013.
