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텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 정읍지원 2016.05.17 2015고단604

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, while making a false statement with B, had the resident registration, etc., passbook B, passbook transaction details, check card, etc. as if they were B, and had the loan from the lending company.

1. Forging a private document;

A. On April 11, 2014, the Defendant entered “10,000,000 won” in the loan column, “17 days” in the agreement repayment column, “17 days” in the name of the Defendant, and “B” in his/her debt column, and puts a new B seal on the name next to the above phrase “B” on the date of the loan, using an official approval color pen.

Accordingly, for the purpose of exercising, the Defendant forged a monetary consumption lending contract in the name of C, which is a private document on rights and obligations.

B. Furthermore, the Defendant entered “3,00,000 won” in the “loan Contract” column as “3,00,000 won” on the date and time, at the location, and at the time, at the place, the Defendant entered “D” and “B” in the “resident number column” in the “B” column, and puts a new B seal on the name next to the name of the Defendant, stating “B” in the “B” column.

Accordingly, for the purpose of exercising, the Defendant forged a loan transaction agreement in the name of C, which is a private document on rights and obligations.


On April 18, 2014, the Defendant stated “D” as “E” in the form of a “credit transaction agreement” that was collected from a savings bank located in south-gu, Incheon Metropolitan City and sent by facsimile from a savings bank, Nam-gu, Incheon Metropolitan City, entered “D” in the resident number column and the name side signature column.

Accordingly, the defendant has come to the name of C, which is a private document on rights and obligations for the purpose of uttering.
