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텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2017.11.16 2016고단5564


A Imprisonment of 1 year, Defendant B and G shall be sentenced to 4 months of imprisonment, Defendant C, D, F and H shall be sentenced to 6 months of imprisonment, respectively.


Punishment of the crime


On May 27, 2016, A was sentenced to six months of imprisonment for fraud and two years of suspended execution at the District Court for the District Court, and the judgment was finalized on November 10, 2016.


A operated the Otoba trading, repair and rental business with the trade names of M and N, etc.


A, by taking advantage of the fact that there is no insurance processing standard in the case of Obababa, and that it is difficult to supply parts, A, who was known to the general public, conspired to make an accident with Defendant B, Defendant C, Defendant D, Defendant E, Defendant E, Defendant F, Defendant H andO, and P to intentionally make a traffic accident due to Obaba, and to make a false claim for insurance proceeds.

1. On August 201, Defendant A, Defendant E, Defendant F, and P jointly committed a crime by intentionally causing an accident using a motor vehicle and stoba, and asked the driver, etc. to seek the insurance company to receive insurance proceeds by means of receiving false accidents and claiming insurance proceeds from an insurance company at an improper place. Defendant E offered the above proposal to P and Defendant F to have them participate in the crime of this case.

Defendant F, on August 27, 201, at the front of the operation of Defendant A, in Q Q, operated a P-owned R R R 1400, which was provided by the P, and was parked in advance by Defendant A, Defendant F damaged the four above Oralab by intentionally shocking U business Epizs, which was owned by T-owned MW 100 R., Non-registered CBR 100 R., Non-registered BMW 100 R R 100 R, and damage the four above C-owned U business Epis Epis.

On September 2, 2011, Defendant F received KRW 1,530,000 from the victim company to the new bank V account in the name of T, and received KRW 1,530,000 from the victim company on September 2, 201, when Defendant F received an accident by telephone, and Defendant A prepared and submitted a written estimate of repair cost for the damaged Otoba, which was damaged as above, and Defendant A claimed KRW 5,793,000 from the victim company.
