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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.04.25 2012가합81499
소유권이전등기 말소

1. Defendant C: (a) on October 17, 2012, the grounds for the cancellation of the gift with the burden of the Plaintiffs:

A. List 1, 2, 5.


1. Basic facts

A. The relevant Plaintiffs are married couple, and the network F (hereinafter “the deceased”), G, H, and Defendant C are children of the deceased.

As the deceased died on March 17, 2012, Defendant D and E inherited the deceased’s property at their respective shares of 1/2.

B. 1) On June 11, 1986, with respect to the shares of 1/4 of the instant real estate owned by the Plaintiff A, the registration of ownership transfer was completed on the deceased, G, H, and Defendant C on June 11, 1986. As to the shares of 1/4 above G, the registration of ownership transfer was completed on February 19, 198 as to the shares of 1/6 above 1/4 of the deceased on February 25, 1998. 2) The registration of ownership transfer was completed on April 3 and 4 of the instant real estate owned by the Plaintiff A on April 1, 198 by the Plaintiff’s mother I on April 15, 198, each of the shares of the Plaintiffs and the deceased, G, H, and Defendant C on each of the following grounds: the ownership transfer was completed on the shares of the deceased on each of the above 1/6 shares of the deceased on each of the following grounds: the ownership transfer registration was completed on each of the above shares of the Plaintiff C/1/6.

3) At present, one half shares of each of the instant real estates have been registered for the transfer of ownership in the name of the deceased and H, respectively. [The grounds for recognition] of absence of dispute, Gap evidence Nos. 1 and 7 (each entry and the purport of the whole pleadings, including the virtual number).

2. As to the claim against Defendant C, Defendant C completed the registration of transfer of ownership, which was completed on June 11, 1986 by the Seoul Central District Court Branch Registry No. 26821, which was completed on October 17, 2012 with respect to the portion of 1/4 out of the real estate of this case 1, 2, and 5, and the registration of transfer of ownership, which was completed on April 15, 1988 by the same registry office with respect to the portion of 1/6 out of the three real estate of this case.
