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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2018.09.19 2017가단209357 (1)

1. As to the Plaintiff, Defendant B’s KRW 21720,000, Defendant C’s KRW 2094,000, Defendant D’s KRW 61350,000, and each of the said money.


1. Basic facts

A. The relationship between the parties, Nonparty E, and F is between the parties, Nonparty E, and F, and Defendant B and C are children, and Defendant D is F’s children.

B. From April 207, the Plaintiff and their families (1) purchased the instant housing site from around 2007 to around 10,056 land (hereinafter “instant housing site”) and created it as the site for the electric source, and partially purchase the housing site (hereinafter “instant project”). The Plaintiff delegated all of the affairs, such as revenues and expenditures of the instant housing site, purchase of land, authorization and permission for the development of electric source housing site, public works, individual housing site, sale of housing site, division and registration, etc.

(2) In the early stage of the instant project, the Plaintiff recruited 20,000 won, including the site purchase price, the site purchase price of KRW 1.30,00 won per square, and the cost for creating infrastructure and the cost for changing the form and quality of KRW 50,00 won per square, (based on 500 square meters), and approximately 20 members including the Plaintiff and the Defendants (hereinafter “members”) participated in the said project at the same time, and around January 22, 2008, members additionally assessed 30,00 won per square, with the additional funds necessary for the said project, around July 18, 2008, as KRW 40,000 per square day, and KRW 50,000 per square day around April 23, 2009, and KRW 60,000 per square day around September 8, 209.

[As a result, the sales price of the instant housing site was KRW 3,90,000 per square year] (3) The Plaintiff completed, until August 2011, most of the necessary construction works, such as purchase of the instant housing site, alteration of the form and quality of land for the creation of a housing site, access road and complex, construction of roads in the access road and complex, I line connection road, construction of water supply and drainage electrical pipes, and construction of joint septic tanks, and completed the registration of ownership transfer for each parcel of land sold to its members.

C. Defendant B’s payment of the purchase price and sale price of the Defendants (1) is the instant housing site.
