본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 서부지원 2016.03.24 2015고단1232


A Imprisonment for a period of four years and six months, each of the defendants B, C and D shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of six months.

except that this judgment.


Punishment of the crime

Defendant A, from around November 2013, 2013, registered as the representative director under the name of Defendant A, a de facto marriage spouse of Defendant A, from the third floor of the Cheongju-si building in the Cheongju-si, the third floor of the Cheongju-si, and established and actually operated the JJ, and on April 2014, Defendant A established the Daegu branch office of the said company on the fifth floor of the 5th floor of the Seoul-gu, Daegu-gu building.

The above company is operated solely with real estate resale profits. After purchasing the land, Defendant A determined “sale price” at the lowest price for sale to customers by adding employees’ sales allowances to the acquisition price of the land and incidental expenses for the purchase of the land, and is in charge of affairs such as the general affairs of the above company, the regular affairs, directors, the head of the business office, and the head of the division to notify the officers of the possibility of development and sale of the land, conditions of sale, sale methods, counseling guidelines, etc. The above officers educate their employees of the possibility of development and sale of the relevant land, conditions of sale, sale methods, counseling methods, etc. while explaining the possibility of development and sale of the relevant land to the unspecified land purchaser who visited the company, and selling the divided land and concluding a sales contract.

Accordingly, on December 2014, Defendant A, at the office of the above Daegu branch office, sold the site for the gate construction located N in Jeju-si, and constructed the gate construction with the money to the land purchaser, finally guarantee the profits of the 10,000 won per monthly average per 10,000 won.

The purport of the phrase “A” was that the sales value of the said NE was set at KRW 1.190,000,000, and the executives of the said C, etc. were instructed to sell the said NE by advertising the said content to its employees, such as headO and head P, during the inquiry and training hours of the said Daegu Branch at around 10:00 a.m. on a daily basis.


A At the office of the Daegu branch office around March 18, 2015, the head of the department shall be O.
