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텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2015.11.25 2015고단2182

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three years and six months.

The defendant pays KRW 4,00,000 to G who is an applicant for compensation.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, “2015 Highest 2182,” in fact, from around 2006, lent money from the surrounding persons to make investment in stocks, was unable to make an investment in stocks, and was so-called “defensive” by lending money for investment in stocks from the surrounding persons as a result of a failure to make an investment in stocks, and was invested in a “work” which is a stock derivatives with a remaining amount of 2-30 million won in early 2012, but became hot and virtually in a bankruptcy state. Therefore, even if the Defendant borrowed money from others for the purpose of using it for investment in stocks, there was no intention or ability to repay it.

Nevertheless, on January 28, 2009, the Defendant received 200,000 won from the said victim through the national bank account in the name of the Defendant on January 30, 2009, from time to May 10, 2012, the Defendant received 38,400,000 won from the said victim, such as the list of crimes (9 through 13 pages) Nos. 1 through 37, as stated in the list of crimes (9 through 13 pages) by means as above, from the said victim’s victim H, who was an elementary school. If the Defendant has invested the capital, he/she received 38,40,000 won from the said victim’s 38,40,000 won from the said victim.

In addition, the Defendant, from January 30, 2009 to June 11, 2012, by deceiving 24 victims as described in the crime list as above in the above method, and acquired each of them by deceiving 723,882,00 won through a total of 198 times.

On September 29, 2011, the Defendant made a false statement to the J-Law Office located in Jung-gu, Daegu, Daegu, stating that “If the Defendant borrowed money to make a stock or an individual investment, 3% of monthly interest shall be given, and the principal shall be repaid after two years.”

However, from 2006, the Defendant borrowed money from the people around, but failed to make a stock investment.
