본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원고양지원 2016.04.28 2015가단20493
임대료 등

1. The Defendant’s KRW 15,125,00 for the Plaintiff and its related KRW 5% per annum from June 26, 2015 to April 28, 2016.


. In withdrawing the agreement, on April 24, 2015, the agreement was concluded to terminate the said lease agreement (hereinafter “instant agreement”) as follows.

The following (A) B (Defendant) did not pay the rent for the six-month period from November 2014 to April 2015 for the above contract. As such, 30% of the unpaid amount under this contract should be added to the unpaid amount under this contract. However, the portion pertaining thereto is paid and terminated as a rent to A (Plaintiff) a sub-lease in lieu of the balance of the deposit passbook (National Bank AF) and the deposit deposit passbook (National Bank AF). (b) B (Defendant) paid all public charges incurred during the lease period and the outstanding amount of the transaction partner at the time of the occurrence.

At the time of occurrence of the outstanding or unpaid public charges of transaction parties after this Agreement, A shall notify A of the details in writing and pay and arrange B within 15 days, and B shall pay to A the amount equivalent to ten times the outstanding or unpaid public charges.

* Three Scrows, one draber, keyss and locks exchange parts are borne by B as losses.

C. On May 6, 2015, the Plaintiff filed a claim with the Defendant for the cost of repairing facilities (116,100 won, additional tax amounting to KRW 3,53,00, KRW 150,00, KRW 150,000, KRW 100, and KRW 100,000, KRW 166,860, telephone fee, KRW 72,970, and KRW 121,100, KRW 80,00, KRW 27,00, and environmental improvement charges, KRW 23,80, KRW 116,10, KRW 3,936,90, KRW 247,00, KRW 00, KRW 25,000, KRW 25,000, KRW 25,000, KRW 25,000, KRW 305,00, KRW 25,505,005.

On May 16, 2015, the Defendant repaid KRW 2,747,730 to the Plaintiff on May 16, 2015, and did not repay KRW 3,025,00 in total with KRW 2,50,000 for additional claims and KRW 525,000 for additional claims. However, the Plaintiff’s issuance of the instant payment order on June 30, 2015.
