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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 천안지원 2016.01.07 2015고단1938

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for nine months.

However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. Alteration of private documents;

A. On June 2009, the Defendant: (a) prepared and printed the content “(s) for submitting the Naval Headquarters” in the C Office located in Asan-si, Asan-si; (b) attached the receipt number, the date of issuance, the test period, and the date of use to the copy of the examination report in the name of the Director of the Korea Testing Institute for Equipmentization and Testing, which was kept in his/her custody, with the corrected pen; and (c) copied it again with the computer project log as “(s) on June 8, 2009, June 29, 2009, June 8, 2009, or June 8, 2009, or June 29, 29, 2009; and (d) inserted it in a knife.

Accordingly, for the purpose of uttering, the Defendant modified a copy of the test report in the name of the director of the Korea Institute of Modernization Test for the purpose of uttering.

B. On January 2012, the Defendant prepared and printed at the office above C, at the office above, a copy of the examination report in the name of the Chairman of the Institute for Electronic Testing of Korean Machinery, which was kept in his/her custody, with the reception number, the date of issuance, the test period, and the use column as a modified pen, and copied it again by putting it on the date of the receipt number, the date of issuance, the test period, and the use column as a computer screen.

Accordingly, for the purpose of uttering, the Defendant modified a copy of the test report in the name of the director of the Korean Electric Testing Research Institute for Machinery, which is a private document on fact certification.

2. Exercising any forged document;

A. On June 18, 2009, the Defendant exercised the test report in the name of the president of the Korea Institute for Equipment Modernization Test in the name of the director of the Korea Institute for Equipmentization and Testing that was forged under paragraph 1(a) by allowing D to deliver the test report in the name of the director of the Korea Institute for Equipmentization and Testing in the name of the director of the Korea Institute for Equipment Distribution in the Maritime Headquarters, which was aware of the alteration, as if it was a document duly formed.

B. On January 2012, the Defendant is under the name of the Chairman of the Electronic Testing Research Institute for Korean Machinery, which was modified as stated in paragraph 1(b), at the office of the first police officer.
