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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.02.03 2014가단119230

1. The Plaintiff:

A. As to the Defendant medical corporations A, C, D, and E’s joint and several KRW 575,758,549 and KRW 208,613,705.


1. A, C, D, and E by the defendant medical corporation;

(a) Claim for a loan of KRW 290,000,000 to the defendant medical corporation of the bankrupt company indicating the claim against the defendant medical corporation A (the interest rate of KRW 21.90% per annum on July 17, 2009, interest rate of KRW 21.90% per annum, interest rate of arrears rate of KRW 30% per annum; Defendant C, D, E, and net I joint guarantee of each defendant C, E, and network I as of February 9, 2014, such as the principal and interest, etc. (the principal and interest of KRW 208,613,705 as of February 9, 2014, interest of KRW 360,086,562 as of February 9, 2014, interest of KRW 7,058,282).

(b) Confession (Defendant 1 and 2) and service by publication (Defendant 3 and 4) (Article 208 (3) 2 and 3 of the Civil Procedure Act);

2. Defendant F, G, and H Defendants, as co-inheritors of the above network I (Death on March 18, 2008), set forth in Section 1-A.

Since a confession was made as to the existence of an obligation due to each of the pertinent inheritance shares as to the principal and interest of loan in arrears stated in paragraph (1), the plaintiff's claim seeking payment of the principal and interest of loan, etc. due to each of the inheritance shares to the above Defendants is reasonable
