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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2017.07.19 2016고단7392 (1)


A, C, and D shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for each of two years, and by imprisonment for each of one year.

evidence of seizure.


Punishment of the crime

The Bosishing organization, which is managed by the general responsibility of name 7392 of the 2016 Highest 7392, is an organization composed of: (a) inducing victims to obtain money from victims by calls from many unspecified victims; (b) deceiving victims by deceiving them; (c) inducing them to obtain money from victims; (d) inducing them to collect money from victims by deceiving them; (e) communication of the large-scale account linked to the large-scale account; and (e) withdrawal of money from victims by delivery of the above access medium; and (e) withdrawal of money from the above organization; and (e) withdrawal of money from remittance of money from damage to the organization.


A around August 2016, he/she received and responded to the proposal that he/she would withdraw and deliver money through the Internet job-seeking site, and the J received and responded to the same proposal as the introduction of the above A around September 22, 2016, and Defendant B received and responded to the proposal that he/she would offer KRW 40,000 won per case if he/she delivered the access medium around September 19, 2016.


A, J, and personnel in charge of phishing under the name of the Defendant A, the J, and the J, were gathered in order to withdraw the amount of damage and transfer the amount to the said organization by withdrawing the amount of damage which the Defendant A and the J had been prepared in advance by receiving the access media from the data delivery books, such as Defendant B, if the incentive is by deceiving the victims and by deceiving the victims.

1. Violation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act;

A. On August 30, 2016, Defendant A received and stored access media with knowledge that it will be used for crime by delivery of one physical card connected to K’s name bank L account and one physical card connected to M’s name bank N account in order to keep the goods in the 123-lane Dong community service center located in Geumcheon-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government, as Geumcheon-gu.

From that time until October 7, 2016, the Defendant received and kept a total of 94 approaching media, as shown in attached Table (1), from around October 7, 2016, with the knowledge that such media will be used for crime.

