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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2016.06.30 2016고단1433

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and two months.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is the victim C and the towing workplace, and is the victim D and the foreign relationship.

1. On August 2015, the criminal defendant against the victim C was in crisis with the victim C in front of the warehouse in the Mayang-gu, Mayang-gu, Mayang-si.

It is urgently required to lend money to the lender. It is intended to introduce the lending company.

If a loan is lent with a loan, it will be settled promptly and repaid.

The interest of 2.5 million won shall be paid every month to the lending company.


However, in fact, the Defendant was not in the situation of housing going beyond auction. At the time, the Defendant was granted a loan equivalent to KRW 43 million in the name of the Defendant by the lending company, and the Defendant was granted a loan of KRW 60 million in the name of D and did not have any specific income in excess of the total amount of KRW 13 million, and thus, it was prevented from returning the loan by lending money from the damaged party, and even if he was able to use it as Internet gambling money, there was no intention or ability to repay the loan even if he borrowed money from the damaged party.

The Defendant, as such, by deceiving the victim, was transferred from the victim to the new bank account (F) with the Defendant’s name on September 4, 2015, KRW 50 million, and KRW 31 million to the said new bank account around the 6th day of the same month.

Accordingly, the defendant acquired a total of KRW 81 million from the injured party.

2. Fraud against victim D;

A. On December 2015, 2015, the Defendant called the victim D who jointly and severally guaranteed his/her loan at a non-permanent area of Busan or lower level, and paid the interest on the loan guaranteed by D.

The money borrowed from a person who borrowed a loan with money shall be repaid three months after the loan.


However, the Defendant, as stated in the foregoing paragraph 1, was at the time, at the time, liable to the Defendant for a total of KRW 12,400,000 to the victim C, such as a debt of KRW 43 million and a debt of KRW 81,00,000,000.
