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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.07.06 2016가합578540

1. The plaintiff's claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. Litigation costs shall be borne by the Plaintiff


1. Basic facts

가. 당사자의 지위 원고는 운반산업설비, 열사용 기자재 등의 제작 및 판매업을 영위하는 회사이고, 피고 주식회사 B 농업회사법인(이하 ‘피고 회사’라 한다)은 축산용보온사 등 축산기기의 제조 및 판매와 더불어 축분처리시설 및 기계, 축분고형연료제조설비, 축산분뇨펠렛퇴비 제조 등 축산분뇨 처리 관련 업무의 영위를 목적으로 피고 C가 설립한 회사이다.

Since the incorporation of Defendant C, the defendant has been working as the representative director of the defendant company.

B. Around May 30, 2007, Defendant Company entered into an agreement with the Crossing-gun of Gangwon-do to develop a stable fuel-only boiler under the support of the Crossing-gun and filed a patent application with D crossing-gun (application number: E, name: F, and the patent application invention were registered as G patent number H.

(2) On February 12, 2009, the Defendant Company concluded a joint development agreement with the Plaintiff (hereinafter “instant agreement”) with the content that the boiler developed for three years in the future will develop the boiler and deliver it to the Defendant Company by massing the boiler developed for three years (hereinafter “instant agreement”). In order to develop the product that improved the above issues, the Defendant Company: (a) concluded a joint development agreement with the Plaintiff on February 12, 2009; and (b) concluded that the Plaintiff will develop the boiler developed for three years and deliver it to the Defendant Company. The part of the instant agreement is as follows.

(B) In the following, “A” means the Defendant Company; “B” means the Plaintiff; “B” means the Plaintiff; “B” means the commission of the development of a stable-only boiler to “B”; “B” means a contract under which “B” produces and supplies “B” to “B” and implement it in good faith.

Article 1 (Purpose) The objective of this Agreement is to develop the boiler for the exclusive use of cattle.
