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텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 군산지원 2019.03.15 2018고단1144

Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, as to the Defendants, each of the above two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal record] On October 23, 2018, Defendant B was sentenced to a suspended sentence of two years in October 10, 2010 and the judgment became final and conclusive on the 31st day of the same month.

【Criminal Facts】

『2018고단1144』- 피고인들의 공동범행 피고인들은 2018. 5. 31. 04:10경 익산시 C에 있는 D식당에서 함께 술을 마시던 중, 피고인 B가 피해자 E(여, 31세), F(여, 37세)에게 “뚱뚱한 년이네”라고 말하였다는 이유로 피해자들과 말다툼을 하다가 피고인 B는 손으로 피해자 E의 뺨을 때린 다음 머리채를 붙잡아 흔들면서 주먹과 발로 얼굴과 몸 부위를 수회 때리고, 계속해서 손으로 피해자 F의 머리채를 붙잡아 흔들면서 주먹과 발로 얼굴과 몸 부위를 수회 때리고, 피고인 A는 이에 합세하여 양손으로 피해자들의 머리채를 각각 잡아 끌어당긴 다음 주먹과 발로 피해자 F의 얼굴 부위를 수회 때리고, 피해자 E의 머리채를 붙잡아 위 업소 밖으로 끌고 나간 후에 손으로 뺨을 수회 때렸다.

As a result, the Defendants jointly inflicted injury on the victim E, such as internal inception and dystrophism in need of approximately two weeks of treatment, and multiple inception pains that require approximately two weeks of treatment to the victim F, respectively.

On April 24, 2018, Defendant B, the sole criminal defendant of Defendant B, at around 17:00 on April 24, 2018, discovered that the victim G (the age of 25) was moving to the military prison in front of the military prison located in Sinsan-si, Sinsan-si, Sinsan-si, 127, and found the victim to the military prison in which the above H was born to his husband H and the third party with his husband living separately from the Defendant in order to check the situation through his husband H., and the victim was born to the military prison where the said H was living in his own place while getting off the vehicle, and the victim saw the victim's face to the police officer in his hand, and the victim's head was born.
