본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울고등법원 2015.01.22 2014나2008507
주식양도의사표시 등 청구

1. The plaintiff's main claim and the conjunctive claim that are changed in exchange at the trial are all dismissed.



1. Basic facts

A. The relationship between the parties and the shareholding status 1) H Co., Ltd. (the trade name of the above company was changed to G on September 21, 2011.

The term “foreign company” regardless of whether it is before or after the change in the trade name.

2) At the time of May 2004, the Plaintiff was the representative director of the non-party company at the time of 28,319 shares issued by the non-party company at the time of 54,90 shares of the non-party company, and 5,242 shares 21,39 shares 1 and 21,339 shares 1 held by the Plaintiff’s co-Plaintiff B (hereinafter “B”), the Plaintiff’s wife.

B. 1) On June 10, 2004, the Plaintiff is the Defendant and the co-defendant D of the first instance court (hereinafter “D”).

(E) Co-Defendant E of the first instance trial (hereinafter “E”).

B) Around June 10, 2004, the Plaintiff entered into each share transfer contract with the Defendant, 9,100 shares out of 28,319 shares issued by the Nonparty Company, 9,100 shares to D, and 8,400 shares were transferred to E. Accordingly, the Defendant, D, and E were listed as shareholders in the register of shareholders of the Nonparty Company. B around June 10, 2004, each share transfer contract with the Defendant, and 714 shares out of 5,242 shares issued by the Nonparty Company owned by B to the Defendant, 4,528 shares were transferred to the Defendant, and 4,528 shares issued by the Defendant (hereinafter above, referred to as the “each share transfer contract of this case”). Accordingly, each share transfer contract of the Nonparty Company was entered into by referring to each share transfer contract and each share transfer contract made between the Plaintiff, Defendant D, and the Defendant, and J. Accordingly, each of the above shares was entered in the register of shareholders.

C. 1) After December 2006, D around the end of 2006, all shares of Nonparty Company 9,100 held by it to the Defendant, and E are all shares of Nonparty Company 8,400 to the Defendant, and they are jointly Defendant F of the first instance trial (hereinafter “F”).

J. J.
