1. The defendants' appeal is dismissed.
2. The plaintiffs in attached Form 2 are dismissed the claims added by the appellate court.
1. Basic facts
A. The parties’ relationship 1) Defendant A Trade Union (hereinafter “Defendant Trade Union”)
Corporation A (hereinafter referred to as “A”)
(2) The Plaintiffs were the members of the Defendant Trade Union, who were registered as the members of the trade union, and Defendant B was the chairman of the said trade union and Defendant D as the head of the business support office. (2) The Plaintiffs were the members of the said trade union, who were the employees of the Defendant Trade Union.
The first labor-management agreement, as seen in this paragraph, is a person who voluntarily retires pursuant to a series of measures taken by A after the first labor-management agreement, or has been transferred to the work support CFT department (the plaintiffs are corresponding to this).
B. On April 8, 2014, the Defendant trade union entered into a labor-management agreement with A on the following terms: (a) the plan for business rationalization; (b) the implementation of special honorary retirement; and (c) the modification of welfare system (hereinafter “the first labor-management agreement”).
). 이때 피고 노동조합이 1차 노사합의와 관련하여 사전에 조합원 총회를 개최하거나 조합원들의 의견을 청취한 바는 없다. ▣ (사업합리화) 노사합의서 주식회사 A와 피고 노동조합은 회사의 경영효율화를 위한 사업합리화 계획을 협의하고 아래와 같이 합의한다. 회사의 사업합리화 계획에 의거 Mass영업개통/ASPlaza 분야 업무를 폐지한다. 단, 회사 경영상황에 따라 축소 운영할 수 있다. 사업합리화 조치에 따라 해당 분야 잔류자에 대해서는 직무전환 교육 후 접점지역으 로 재배치한다. 단, 세부기준은 별도 합의 시행한다. 인사규정상의 사무/기술직렬은 일반직렬로 통합한다. ▣ (특별명예퇴직 노사합의서 주식회사 A와 피고 노동조합은 종사원의 요구를 반영하고 직원들의 새로운 인생기회를 부여하기 위해 특별명예퇴직을 아래와 같이 시행하기로 합의한다.
Special honorary retirement shall be implemented as of April 30, 2014.