본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2019.05.01 2018나35859

1. The plaintiff's appeal is dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Plaintiff.

The purport of the claim and appeal is the purport of the appeal.


1. Basic facts

A. The Plaintiff Union is established to implement a rebuilding improvement project of A in Seongbuk-gu Seoul Seongbuk-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government F (hereinafter “instant improvement project”) and completed the registration of incorporation on July 31, 2003 after obtaining authorization for establishment from the head of Seongbuk-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government.

B. On August 19, 2003, the Plaintiff Union obtained permission for the new construction of the main apartment complex G G on the ground (hereinafter “instant apartment”) from Seongbuk-gu Seoul and 189 lots of land, and the construction of the instant apartment complex was commenced on June 1, 2005.

In addition, after completing the registration of transfer of ownership in the name of the Plaintiff Union on September 3, 2004, the Plaintiff Union has completed the registration of transfer of ownership in the name of the Plaintiff Union on a part of the Seongbuk-gu Seoul and 189 parcel from the owner or equity right holder of Seongbuk-gu Seoul and 189 parcel.

C. On July 11, 2005, the Plaintiff Union entered into a sales contract with H to supply the instant apartment I (hereinafter “instant building”) to H with the sale price of KRW 324 million (hereinafter “instant sales contract”). The main contents of the said sales contract are as follows.

◆ 재산의 표시 건물 대지 전용면적 공유지분 기타 공유면적 분양면적 지하주차장 계약면적 공유지분 84.52㎡ 23.47㎡ 5.16㎡ 113.15㎡ 39.22㎡ 152.37㎡ 21.72㎡ 제3조(소유권이전) (4) 본 계약서 상의 공유대지는 전용면적 비율에 의거 배분하여 공유지분으로 이전되며 매도인은 매수인에게 위치를 지정 또는 할당하지 아니하며 매수인은 공유지분의 분할을 청구할 수 없다.

(5) In extenuating circumstances, such as the area of the supply of the building and the co-ownership procedure of the site concluded at the time of the contract, there may be an increase or decrease within the scope of the error permitted by the law, but when there is an increase or decrease,
