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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.10.24 2018고단4283

1. Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for one year and six months;

Seized evidence No. 10 shall be forfeited from the defendant.



Punishment of the crime

The organization of telephone financing fraud (hereinafter referred to as “singishing”) is an organization that leads to unspecific persons to face a telephone call without permission from many and unspecified persons, misrepresents the employees of financial institutions, deceptions the victim by deceiving the victim, and takes charge of an organic contact among the employees of the singishing operations, takes charge of the crime, takes charge of the overall communication among the employees of the singishing operations, takes overall control over the crime, assumes the identity of the investigative agency, etc. by telephone to many and unspecified victims, and carries out deceptions; “inducings” used for the singishing; “the delivery of the singish passbook”; and “the withdrawals” that withdraw and remits the amount of damage deposited in the sing passbook.


A is responsible for the role of “the delivery book of the presidential passbook”, and Defendant B conspired in sequence with the conciliation staff (C dialogue: D; hereinafter “D”; hereinafter “F”; hereinafter “F”) in order to take charge of the role of “the withdrawal book.”

1. On June 19, 2018, a false statement was made to the victim H that “a loan will be granted up to KRW 20 million if part of the existing loan is repaid” by misrepresenting the G employee at a place where the location cannot be known, and making a phone call with the victim H’s cell phone.”

However, it is not a G employee but a victim H has no intention or ability to provide a loan after receiving a partial repayment of the existing loan.

Nevertheless, the non-name inducement policy was transferred 1.5 million won from the victim H via the J bank account (Account Number:K) in around 14:13 on June 20, 2018.


A knowing that it was used for the phishing crime according to D’s instructions, A, even though he/she is well aware that it was used in accordance with D’s instructions, collects crow cards connected to the J bank account in the name of the said I from the insane in the front of the Hahbuk-si, 2018, and stores N5 articles in Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul around June 20, 2018.
