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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.06.28 2018고단2734

Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for one year and two months.

Evidence Nos. 2, 3, and 18, seized by Defendant A, 5.


Punishment of the crime

The organization of telephone financial fraud (hereinafter referred to as “scaming”) is an organization that leads unspecified persons to a financial institution, public institution, misrepresentation of the victim, and defrauds money by deceiving the victim. It is operated in the form of a thorough organization in preparation for arresting the victims by taking charge of an organic communication among the employees of Boscing and supervising the crime. “General Measures”, “management measures” that directs the financial institution and public institution, and instruct the victims to commit the act of deception by telephoneing to an unspecified number of victims, “laters” that collect damages, “collection measures” that collect money deposited, and physical cards, etc. connected to the account received from the “collection measures”, “reception measures” that withdraw the damages by withdrawing the damages to Boscing and transfer them to Boscing.

피고인들은 금융기관 등을 사칭하여 불특정 다수의 피해자들을 상대로 금원을 편취하기 위해 피고인 A는 ‘ 수거 책’ 의 역할을, 피고인 B은 ‘ 인출 책’ 의 역할을 담당하기로 성명 불상 조직원( 위 챗 대화명 ‘D’, 이하 ‘D’ 이라 함), 성명 불상 총책 등과 순차 공모하였다.

1. In a place where it is not possible to know about around 11:00 on April 13, 2018, the Defendants’ false inducement liability for the Defendants’ criminal act committed jointly with the fraud, misrepresenting the victim E’s cell phone phone to the “NH Agricultural Cooperative” staff, and lending up to 31 million won at a low interest rate of 6% to the victim.

To obtain a loan, part of the existing loan must be repaid.

On April 18, 2018, the Korean bank account (Account Number:G) in the name of the FF around April 15:34, 2018 was received from the injured party by making a false statement of “a person who will repay the existing loan on behalf of the former loan and order the loan.”

However, factless inducement was not an employee of the National Agricultural Cooperative, and the victim was remitted.
