본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2021.01.20 2020고단1164


A KRW 1,000,000, KRW 2,000, KRW 2,000, KRW 1,000, KRW 300, KRW 1,000, KRW 30, KRW 300, KRW 1,000.


Punishment of the crime

From September 6, 2011 to November 17, 2018, Defendant D newly built IBL (hereinafter “the instant loan”) with the aim of building construction business located in Gangnam-gu Seoul E and F as the representative director of G (hereinafter “G”), around April 14, 2017, at Eunpyeong-gu Seoul, with the first underground floor, and the fifth generation of steel reinforced concrete multi-households of the fifth floor (hereinafter “the instant loan”). On the same day, Defendant D entrusted the said loan to J Co. (hereinafter “J”) and concluded a trust agreement with K as the beneficiary.


D cannot rent without prior consent of the trustee and the first priority beneficiary pursuant to the above trust contract. However, it is difficult to sell the loan of this case, and due to financial difficulties in the sale of the loan of this case, the lessee to enter into the lease contract of this case through L, etc., which is the sales office of G, and entered into the lease contract through M, which is the vice president of G, and the lessee was willing to receive the lease deposit and the rent from the lessee.

1. Defendant A is a certified broker who runs real estate brokerage business under the trade name of Eunpyeong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government N and 1 storyO "P Authorized Brokerage Office."

No authorized broker of the opening business shall make any error in the judgement of the client by means of false words and behavior, etc. concerning important matters concerning the transaction of the relevant real estate brokerage object.

Nevertheless, on September 11, 2017, the Defendant, despite being aware that the instant lending Qho Lake located in Eunpyeong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government Office, a brokerage object, was entrusted to J, does not notify the R that the said real estate was to be leased. Rather, the Defendant arranged to enter into a lease agreement on the said real estate by entering the certificate of confirmation of the object of brokerage in G with the right holder and making a false representation as to important matters regarding the transaction of the object of brokerage.
