Main Issues
Cases where it is deemed that there is a defect in the excursion horse installed in a children's playground;
Summary of Judgment
Children's play grounds are places where children gather and are not fully equipped with the development of their body or sports function and the ability to scarcity, so where play equipment such as the amusement horse is installed, the operation of the play equipment shall be convenient and easy, and it shall be installed so as not to fall off by attaching the same knife, etc., and it shall be installed safely so as not to do so even if it falls or goes off.
[Reference Provisions]
Article 758 of the Civil Act
Reference Cases
Supreme Court Decision 78Da2204 delivered on January 30, 1979 (Daad 120499, Supreme Court Decision 27Da1566, Decision No. 758(6) of the I Civil Code No. 67, Decision No. 11772 Decided January 30, 197)
Plaintiff, Appellant and Appellant
Park Jong-ray et al.
Defendant, appellant and assistant appellant.
Seoul Metropolitan Government
Judgment of the lower court
Seoul Central District Court (78Gahap471) in the first instance trial
Judgment of remand
Supreme Court Decision 78Da2204 Delivered on January 30, 1979
1. The original judgment shall be modified as follows:
(1) The Defendant shall pay to the Plaintiff Park Jong-dae the amount of KRW 4,856,90, the amount of KRW 2,550,000 for the Plaintiff Park Jong-dae and the amount of KRW 5% per annum from September 23, 197 to the date of full payment.
(2) The plaintiff et al. dismissed the remaining claims.
2. The defendant's appeal is dismissed.
3. Three minutes of the costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the defendant, and the remainder by the plaintiff, etc., respectively, through the first and second trials.
Purport of claim
(1) The plaintiff et al. shall pay to the plaintiff Park Jong-dae, an amount equivalent to five percent per annum from September 23, 197 to the date of full payment. (1) The defendant shall pay to the plaintiff Park Jong-dae, an amount equivalent to 8,296,044 won (4,039,412 won for expansion), 4,262,422 won (1,991,806 won for expansion) and the amount equivalent to 5 percent per annum from September 23, 197.
The costs of lawsuit shall be assessed against the defendant, and a declaration of provisional execution.
Purport of appeal
The defendant has revoked the part against the defendant in the original judgment and dismissed the plaintiff's claim on this part.
All costs of the lawsuit shall be borne by the plaintiff, etc.
As an incidental appeal, the part against the plaintiff, etc. in the original judgment shall be revoked.
The Defendant shall pay to the Plaintiff Park Jong-ray an amount of KRW 1,493,992, KRW 770,616, and an amount of KRW 50% per annum from September 23, 197 to the date of full payment.
The judgment that the total costs of the lawsuit shall be borne by the defendant and the declaration of provisional execution.
1. Occurrence of liability for damages;
소외 망 박순희가 1977.9.22. 14:00경 서울 서대문구 역촌동 39소재 제2어린이 놀이터에서 동 놀이터에 설치되어 있는 유동목마에 끼어 사망한 사실은 당사자 사이에 다툼이 없고, 성립에 다툼이 없는 갑 제1호증(호적등본), 동 갑 제3호증(사망진단서), 동 갑 제7호증(신문), 갑 제8호증의 1,2,3 및 을 제1호증(각 사진)의 각 기재와 내용, 원심증인 박찬, 유종식, 유상호 및 환송전 당심증인 이명균 등의 각 일부증언(단 아래에서 믿지 않는 부분은 제외) 및 변론의 전취지를 종합하면, 위에서 본 유동목마는 피고가 위 어린이놀이터에 1974.6.경 설치한 어린이놀이 도구인데, 동 도구는 높이 3미터, 폭 2미터 가량의 "∩"형의 철봉 2개를 8미터 정도 떨어지게 지면에 고정시켜 세워놓은 뒤 직경 30센티미터 길이 8미터 가량의 통나무를 끝부분이 고리로된 쇠줄을 위 통나무 양끝의 좌우에 2개씩 연결하여 위 통나무를 지면에서 10센티미터 내지 12센티미터 가량 떨어지도록 매어달은 형태의 놀이도구로서, 그 이외에는 아무런 부착물이 없는 시설물인 바, 어린일들의 위 통나무에 길이대로 걸터앉아 발을 앞뒤로 차면 동 통나무가 길이대로 전후 운동을 하면서 최대 1미터가량 높이로 올라가며 마치 목마를 타은 듯이 놀 수 있도록 되어 있는 사실, 소외 망인은 1969.9.6. 생의 국민학교 3년에 재학중인 8세 남짓의 소녀로서 위 사고일시경 통치마형 긴옷을 입고 다른 어린이들 10여명 가량과 함께 위 유동목마에 올라앉아 발을 굴러 동 목마를 전후로 움직이면서 내리다가 지면으로 떨어졌는데 마침 한쪽으로 올라갔던 동 목마가 반대쪽으로 내려오면서 동 소외인의 머리를 쳐서 뇌좌상 및 두개골절상등의 상해를 입혀 이로 인하여 동 소외인이 2시경 사망한 사실을 각 인정할 수 있고 위 인정에 일부 배치되는 위 각 증인 박찬, 유종식, 유상호, 이명균 등의 각 증언부분은 당원이 믿지 아니하고 달리 반증이 없고, 성립에 다툼이 없는 갑 제1호증(호적등본)의 기재에 의하면, 원고등은 소외 망인의 부모로서 동 망인의 공동 재산상속인인 사실을 인정할 수 있다. 생각하건대, 어린이 놀이터는 신체나 운동기능의 발달이 미숙하고 사리변식능력도 완전하지 못한 어린이들이 모여서 노는 장소이므로 그 곳에 위 유동목마와 같은 놀이기구를 설치하는 경우에는 놀이기구의 조작이 간편하고 용이하여야 하고 어린이들이 쉽사리 놀이기구에서 떨어지거나 넘어지리란 것을 예상하여 손잡이 같은 곳을 부착시켜 떨어지는 등의 일이 없도록 장치하여야 하며, 떨어지거나 넘어지더라도 다치는 일이 없도록 안전하게 설치하여야 할 것인 바, 위 인정사실에 의하면, 본건 유동목마는 위에서 본 바와 같이 길리 8미터 지름 30센티미터 가량의 통나무로 그 무게가 매우 무거워 어린이들이 임의로 움직이거나 정지시키는 등의 조작이 어렵고 더구나 동 목마 위에는 10여명 이상의 어린이들이 한꺼번에 탈 수 있어서 어린이들이 많이 탄 후에 동 목마가 전후운동을 하면 도중에 내리고자 하는 어린이는 움직이는 목마에서 내려야 하는 위험이 따를 뿐만 아니라, 또 동 목마에는 어린이들이 목마의 진동에 떨어지지 않도록 손잡이들이 설비되어 있지 아니함으로써 위험 발생을 가중시킬 수 있게 되어 있으므로 결국 위 목마는 어린이놀이터의 놀이기구로서는 하자가 있었다고 봄이 상당하며, 따라서 본건 사고는 피고가 설치한 이와 같은 공작물의 설치 보존상의 하자로 인하여 발생하였다 할 것이어서 피고는 동 공작물의 점유자로서 소외 박순희가 본건 사고로 인하여 입은 손해를 그의 재산상속인인 원고등에게 배상할 책임이 있다 하겠다.
However, according to the circumstances of the above accident, the above non-party deceased's 8 years of age at the time of the accident, who was suffering from the accident of this case by suffering clothes such as a Dominma, which were inconvenient with inconvenience to the activity, and was faced with the accident of this case. The reason for the accident of this case is that the negligence of the plaintiff et al. who was obligated to care and custody of the non-party who was under the age of the non-party who was under the duty of care and custody for the non-party's 8 years of age, is concurrent. The degree of the negligence is not limited to the defendant's liability for damages, but it
2. Damages;
(i)the amount of property damage of the external net knife;
In full view of the statements in Gap evidence 1, evidence 1, evidence 3, and evidence 5-1, evidence 5-2, evidence 10-1, and evidence 10-2 (construction price marks and contents), as seen earlier, and the testimony portion and whole purport of the oral argument of the court below's witness Park Jong-hee as the healthy woman of September 6, 1969, and the average female life expectancy of the age of 8 years was 64 years, and the average female life expectancy of the age of 64 years was 64 years, the city daily daily wage of 2,870 as of March 3, 1979, which is to be received by the plaintiff, etc. as of March 2, 1979, and the city daily wage of 2,870 as of March 25, 200, which is to be operated until 55 years' age as of September 6, 1969, and there is no other dispute between the deceased and 200-day parties.
According to the above facts, if the non-party Park Jong-hee did not die due to an accident, it is reasonable to view that he was able to engage in daily work in the city in the city at the time of the accident after he became an adult and suffered a loss equivalent to the monthly amount of 46,750 won per month from the average monthly amount of 71,750 won (2,870 wonx25 days; hereinafter the same shall apply) until 55 years of age expires, and 23,000 won per month from the total monthly amount of living expenses and used 46,750 won per month (48,750 won for calculation, which shall be sought by the plaintiff et al.). It is clear that he was able to obtain a net profit of 46,750 won per month from the monthly amount of 46,750 won per month from the death of the plaintiff et al., and that he was able to calculate the total loss amount of 35,000 won per month from the date of the accident.
2) Property damages on the Plaintiff’s stuffed ship
In full view of each statement of No. 4-1 to No. 5 (each receipt) and the whole purport of the oral argument, the plaintiff Park Jong-dae, who does not dispute the establishment, shall be deemed to have paid KRW 10,400 as the emergency treatment cost for the main injury of the non-party, KRW 5,000 as the cost of making a death certificate, and KRW 55,800 as the sum of the expenses for the funeral room usage fee, funeral property price, funeral expenses, and KRW 71.200 as the sum of each of the above expenses, shall be deemed to have been incurred due to the accident caused by the plaintiff Park Jong-dae.
c) However, the above damages caused by the negligence of the plaintiff et al. are concurrent. Therefore, in consideration of the above negligence, the amount of damages that the defendant is liable for shall be determined as 56,900 won for the amount of damages incurred by the medical expenses and funeral expenses referred to in the above sub-paragraph (1) for the amount of damages incurred by the plaintiff et al., and 56,90 won for the amount of damages incurred by the plaintiff et al. for the expenses incurred by the plaintiff et al. for funeral expenses. Among them, the fact that the plaintiff et al. was the co-inheritors of the above non-party deceased's co-inheritors is identical to the above non-party's co-inheritors's share in inheritance. Thus, the defendant is obligated to pay to the plaintiff Park Jong-ray in 2,250,000 (6,750,000x2/3) and the amount of damages that the plaintiff et al. is liable for each of them.
d) Consolation money;
In addition, since it is clear in light of our rule of experience that the mental suffering suffered by the non-party Park Jong-hee, who is his father's incidental, was too severe due to the accident in this case, the defendant has a duty to give a consolation in money. Therefore, the defendant should pay 300,000 won to the plaintiff et al. as consolation money in consideration of the circumstance and result of the accident in this case, degree of negligence in the care and custody of the plaintiff et al., and all other circumstances revealed in this case.
3. Conclusion
Therefore, the defendant is obligated to pay to the plaintiff lele-ray the damages claim amounting to 4,50,000 won and the medical expenses and funeral expenses amounting to 56,90,000 won and 300,000 won, which are the sum of the damages claim amounting to 2,250,000 won and 300,000 won which are inherited by the le-bee-bee-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-)
Judges Lee Young-soo (Presiding Judge)