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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.03.21 2018고단3685 (1)

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

2.9 million won shall be additionally collected from the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

"2018 Highest 3685" accused is not a person handling narcotics.

1. B, at the residence of the Defendant located in the Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government building C, on October 2017, the Defendant and B, together with the Defendant, put approximately 0.1g of psychotropic drugs in a single-use injection machine, put approximately 0.1g of psychotropic drugs in a single-use injection machine, put them into his/her climatic blood, and injected them into his/her climatic body, put approximately 0.05g of crophone into a single-use injection machine, and then injected them into his/her climatic body.

Accordingly, the defendant and B conspired to administer philophones.

3. Single-criminal conduct;

A. On October 2017, the Defendant received KRW 500,000 from B to an unclaimed E bank account from B in the middle of the 2017 period, and paid the price to the person who was not paid the name, and purchased approximately KRW 1g of the penphone in plastic packaging, and then purchased approximately 1g of the penphone in collusion with B by delivering it to B at the residence of B.

B. On December 2017, the Defendant received KRW 1 million from Habman B to an unclaimed E bank account, and paid the price to the party under whose name the payment was made, and had B receive approximately KRW 2g of Handphone from B’s residence through Kwikset service, and purchased approximately 2g Handphones in collusion with B.

C. On March 2018, the Defendant received 600,000 won from the end of the horse to the bank account in the form of a non-deposit, and paid the price to the party who was named, and purchased approximately 1g of penphones, which were contained in vinyl, and then delivered it to B at the residence of B, and purchased approximately 1g of penphones in collusion with B.

On April 2018, the Defendant received 400,000 won from B to B’s bank account, and paid the price to the person who has not been named, and had B receive approximately 1g of philopon through Kwikset service at B’s residence, and purchased approximately 1g of philopon in collusion with B.

"2018 Highest 3717" Defendant F.
