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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2017.11.22 2017고단3695

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is a person who has a relationship with the victim C (V, 34 years of age) that he/she became aware of through the Internet hosting site.

1. On November 2016, the Defendant sent to the victim a text message stating that “the Defendant is under the influence of Mauriting a pesticide” to the victim via a person’s name influoring the horses from the victim’s Habman.

In Seoul Special Metropolitan City, Nowon-gu, a residential area of the defendant, the injured person was changed to 205 Dong 1102.

The defect that the victim came to know that the defendant sent a false text message is about to come from the defendant's home, the defendant's defendant's above D apartment corridor "I send the victim's unsatisfy, NIII will return to the victim now." The defendant's hand carried the victim's shoulder, satisfy, and let the victim escape from the scene.

Accordingly, the defendant detained the victim for about one hour.

2. Special intimidation;

A. On May 2017, the Defendant, who was parked on the street behind the F elementary school located in Seongbuk-gu Seoul, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, brought about a dispute with the victim in G-si.

The Defendant heard from the damaged person the phrase “Isman only that Isman,” and “Isman, Isman, Isar, Isar, Isar, Isar, Isar, Isar.

I want to do so. I want to do so.

The term "the deceased" refers to "the deceased", and the Doggg was driven by the Dog, and the same attitude was shown to inflict harm on the victim.

In this respect, the defendant carried a dangerous object, and threatened the victim.

B. On June 2017, the Defendant brought about a dispute with the victim in the instant taxi parked on the I’s top in Seongbuk-gu Seoul H, Seongbuk-gu.

The Defendant: (a) sees the word “Isman only once this day” from the injured person; (b) sees a taxi, which is a dangerous object, and immediately takes a speed pedal, thereby driving it with a gym, and (c) drive it.
