본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 서부지원 2019.05.10 2016고단1516

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

Around July 3, 2015, the Defendant made a false statement to the second category park located in Seogugugu, Daegu, that “I would lend KRW 22 million to the victim C, who is a partner of the Textiles factory, who is the victim B and B, who is the partner of the Textiles factory, deposit KRW 2,200,000,000,000 in the company’s account book at the face of the week, and then entered 22,00,000,000 won in the company account book.”

However, the defendant was not the president of the Textiles Factory, and there was no intention or ability to lend the money promised even if he received the money from the victims.

Nevertheless, as above, the Defendant, by deceiving the victims and deceiving them from the victims B on July 3, 2015, 4.4 million won in total, 2.2 million won in the same month, and 1.2 million won in the same month from the victims C to the agricultural bank account of the Defendant, respectively.

In June 2017, the Defendant stated that “A victim D who became aware of Marisan Marisan in the mountain conference was the chairperson of the Textiles Co., Ltd. in Korea, but now has been in charge of an honorary chief of the post of honorary chief of the post at the State tax office where he/she had been registered as an employee only in the name of an employee at the State tax office where he/she had been in charge of an early 1 million won.” The Defendant made a false statement that “A victim D who was aware of Marisan Marisan Mari-si, but now has been in charge of an honorary chief of the post of honorary chief of the post where he/she has been in high age and has been in charge of an early 1 million won.”

However, the defendant did not operate a textile company, and there was no intention or ability to pay monthly wages by registering the victim as an employee.

Around June 29, 2017, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim as above, received from the victim each transfer of KRW 1 million to the account of community credit cooperatives in the name of F, and KRW 1 million to the same account around July 7, 2017, and received KRW 2 million in total from the victim.

The defendant of "2019 Highest 672" was aware of in the mountain conference around December 2017 by the defendant, "in large amount of money from the internal business."

It would be easy to give a father if he or she speaks well.

172 square meters on the ground of Sungju shall be set up in four names.

Before land, taxes and registration fees are required.
