본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2013.05.23 2013고정971

Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 1,000,000.

If the defendant does not pay the above fine, 50,000 won shall be paid.


Punishment of the crime

1. No person who violates the Act on Promotion, etc. of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection shall repeatedly send any codes, words, sound, image, or motion picture that arouses fear or apprehension to any other person;

Nevertheless, the defendant is a mobile phone (D) of the victim by using his own mobile phone (C) at an influence place on the ground that the victim B is not fully repaid KRW 24 million;

A. On 20:56 around 28, 2012, the word “a son who, by the end of May, 2012, has been replaced by a director of E department store due to the fact that he/she had no telephone numbers for the commitment,” sent the word “a son who, by the end of May, 2012;

B. On 28, 2012, around 21:01, the word “Iek SeaB” transmissions the word “Ieked, Iekh, Telecommunications, and Telecommunications, in order to make the tegrative damage caused by the tegrative design of the Agrhyl, Iekh, Iekh, Ieh, Iek

C. On 28, 2012, around 21:06, transmission of the word “I am to find out even if I ambly, because I ambly on the part of I amfy's department store, and even if I ambly, I ambly on the part of I ambly.”

D. On 28, 2012, around 21:09, transmission of the word “A, at around 28, 2012, is a student of the Republic of Korea, that he/she is going to find out the Guarsenal, but the Guarsenal, means to find out the Guarsenal,”

E. On December 28, 2012, around 21:12, 2012: (a) transmitted the word “the rejection of the reception of the widthed land has been rejected; (b) the Korean Telecommunications Egyptian (Korean Tegyn),” thereby allowing the victim to reach the victim repeatedly on five occasions in total.

2. 협박 피고인은 2013. 01. 11. 15:26경 불상의 장소에서 A의 휴대폰 (G)을 이용하여 위 B의 아들인 피해자 F(34세)의 휴대폰(H)에 “너니애미가 그따구니까 새끼도 똑같으네 니네는천벌을받을거야 알았어 나쁜새끼들”, “남에돈떼어쳐먹고 잘사냐 내가니직장찾아갈테니그리알어 나쁜새끼들 연놈똑같이”라는 문자메세지를 보내어 피해자나 가족들에게 어떠한 위해를 가할 듯한 태도를 보여...
