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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2013.04.12 2012고단2751

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

20,000 won shall be additionally collected from the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

The telephone financial fraud organization of the 2012 Highest 2751, China, under the instruction of the general Chinese book, shares each role by misrepresenting the government agencies of the Republic of Korea in China, remitting the cash withdrawn from the Republic of Korea to China to the nearest bank automatic withdrawals of cash near to the telephone without drawing a telephone, and inducing the victim, and then ordering the transfer to the so-called large-term bank account prepared in advance. The local " Call Center", the "China Total Book", the "Korean Total Book", the "Korean Book" that manages and withdraws and recruits the members of the Republic of Korea under the instruction of the general Chinese book, the "Korean book" that prohibits the withdrawal of cash deposited in the passbook under the instruction of the general Chinese book and the Korean book, the "bookbook" that transfers the cash withdrawn from Korea to China, and the "book" that recruits the passbook to be used for committing the crime, and is operated in the form of an organization in preparation for arrest.

The Defendant, while working in China in contact with D, etc., who is a general domestic management book, remitted the amount of damage to G’s account, which is a domestic withdrawal book manager, and if G transfers the amount of damage to H’s account, he had H transfer the amount of damage to another account or grant it in cash directly.

(A) The prosecutor indicted the Defendant as a general manager, but there is no sufficient evidence to acknowledge the fact that the Defendant is a general manager) in collusion with another investigator in the name of the Defendant, and made it possible for another investigator to deposit the deposited money with the so-called large passbook by using a false statement, such as the phone call from the domestic passbook trader, misrepresentation of the police, and stolen account. The Defendant released and delivered the deposited money by receiving the cash card of the large passbook from the investigator in the name failure, and then conspired to receive a certain amount of money in return.

1. On November 29, 201, the Defendant against the victim I, together with the assistants, such as D, H, E, and F, on November 29, 201.
