본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2014.08.13 2013고단1982 (1)


A shall be punished by a fine of three million won, by a fine of two million won, by a defendant B, and by a fine of four million won, respectively.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant C conspired to open a gambling place with Defendant C, E, G, H, H, J, K, L, and M (hereinafter “Defendant C, etc.”) and other gambling; D, by selecting a place for gambling and soliciting people to participate in gambling; E and F, while preparing necessary for opening a gambling place, took the role of “one-person’s door door door door door door door” in which those participating in gambling are considered to be able to take the part in gambling as gambling and avoid crackdown; G, the role of “one-person’s door door door door door” in which those participating in gambling and gambling are to stay in gambling; H, in proportion to the amount of gambling money to be lent to those participating in gambling; and H, in the case of those participating in gambling and gambling, play the role of “the one-day door door door door door door door door” in which those participating in gambling and gambling provide gambling money to those participating in gambling; and, in the case of those participating in gambling and gambling, the one-day door door door, in which those participating in gambling and gambling provide them.


C 등은 2013. 5. 15. 00:00경부터 다음날 01:50경까지 아산시 N에 있는 위 M의 집에서 도박장을 개장하여 바닥에 세로로 줄을 그어 3칸으로 나눈 후 맨 앞에 총책을 기준으로 좌우 양쪽에 도박참가자인 일명 ‘찍새’들이 나눠 앉은 다음 딜러가 화투 20매를 이용하여 위 3칸에 나누어 패를 돌리면 총책이 먼저 돈을 걸고 화투패를 선택하고, 도박참가자들이 나머지 화투패에 돈을 걸어 선택한 뒤 화투 5매 중 3매를 이용하여 끝수의 합을 10 또는 20의 조합을 만든 후, 나머지 화투 2매의 끝수를 합산하여 높은 수를 가진 쪽이 이기는 속칭 ‘도리짓고 땡’ 방식으로 약...
