본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2016.11.11 2016고정1545


The sentence for B shall be suspended.


A The prosecution against A is dismissed.


Punishment of the crime


B is a person who lives in No. 502 of the building E in Gangnam-gu Seoul, and the victim A (n, 58 years old) was a person who lives in No. 501 of the building E and is a neighbor, who is a person of No. 501 of the building.


B around 07:00 on March 25, 2016, around 07:00, in order to put garbage bags at the common view of the first floor of the E building and to check whether the victim followed and the defendant used to work in an envelope, and on the ground that "I am flicker is licker, hicker is flicker", B am flicked, and am 3-4 times the victim's face and head flicker is flicker.

As a result, Defendant B suffered injury in need of approximately three weeks of medical treatment due to the “damage to the character of head part”, etc.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant B’s legal statement (as of the second trial date);

1. A suspect interrogation protocol of the police officer;

1. A written statement;

1. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes of the injury diagnosis certificate;

1. Relevant Article of the Criminal Act and Article 257 (1) of the Criminal Act concerning the selection of penalties;

1. A fine not exceeding 300,000 won to be suspended;

1. Articles 70(1) and 69(2) of the Criminal Act (100,00 won per day) of the Criminal Act for the inducement of a workhouse;

1. Article 59(1) of the Criminal Act (Article 59(1) of the suspended sentence (Article 59(1) of the Criminal Act (Article 59(1) of the suspended sentence (Article 59(1) of the same Act (Article 59(1) of the same Act), which states that the defendant’s mistake is divided in depth and will not be committed in the future; the above defendant does not want the punishment against the above defendant;

1. The summary of the facts charged is the victim B (n, 53 years old) is the person who purchased the E building 502 in Gangnam-gu in Seoul, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, and the defendant A was the person who purchased the above E building 501 and was a neighboring person and was able to see it by way of noise.


A around 07:00 on March 25, 2016, around 07:00, the victim's head is raised in his/her hands by setting up against the victim at the joint realization of the first floor of the building in question.
