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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원동부지원 2017.06.29 2017가합100542

1. The defendant shall pay to the plaintiff the amount of KRW 267,377,187 and the amount of KRW 95,836,897 from June 21, 2016 to the day of full payment.


Facts of recognition

On February 28, 2007, the Industrial Bank of Korea (hereinafter “the Bank”) loaned KRW 180,000,000 to the non-party corporation B (hereinafter “B”) as loans for small and medium enterprise loans and loans for three months during the credit period.

(hereinafter “instant loan”). On June 1, 2007, the Industrial Bank of Korea concluded an additional agreement to change the terms of transaction with B, Defendant, etc. to the effect that the term of the instant loan transaction was extended for one year from June 1, 2007, and the Defendant jointly and severally guaranteed the instant loan obligations.

On June 2, 2008, the Industrial Bank of Korea concluded an additional agreement to change terms and conditions of transactions with the Defendant and the instant loan by extending the expiry date of the credit to September 1, 2008, reducing the credit limit to KRW 162,00,000, and changing the standard interest rate to the floating interest rate loan.

The Industrial Bank of Korea transferred the instant loan claims to the non-party 1 company specializing in the 2003rd securitization, and notified the transfer of claims to B at the time of the above transfer.

On June 20, 201, 101, 201. On June 20, 201, 201, 2001, 300. 30. 5. 3. 3. 4. 6. 6. 4. 6. 6. 6..

On September 1, 2013, Hyundai Switzerland Savings Bank, Inc., changed its trade name to SBA 4 Savings Bank. On October 31, 2014, it was merged into SBS Savings Bank (hereinafter “SB Savings Bank”).

On May 2016, the SP Savings Bank transferred the instant loan claims to the Plaintiff, and notified the transfer of claims to B at the time of the said transfer.

The remaining principal and interest of the instant loan obligation until June 20, 2016 shall be 95,836,897, interest 171,540,290, total of 267,377,187, and the agreed rate shall be 21% per annum.

【Ground of recognition】 The fact that there has been no dispute, Gap's 1, 2, 8, 12 through 15 (including each number; hereinafter the same shall apply).
