본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.09.16 2014가단66954

Attached Form

2 It is as set out in the text list.

[Attachment 4] Article 29 (Classification of Accounts) of the Private School Act.


1. Basic facts

A. The Defendant is a school foundation that establishes and operates the sublime University, and the Plaintiffs are employees of the sublime University.

B. (1) In the collective agreement on the instant insurance premium, etc. and the contents of the wage agreement, etc., (1) the National University Branch of the People’s Union of Korea (hereinafter “NPC”) to which the Plaintiffs belong, and the Defendant’s collective agreement from 2000 to 2012, the private school pension, retirement allowance, or retirement pension provided in the collective agreement between 200, 202, 2004, 2004, and Article 51 of the collective agreement of 2006 (private school pension) of the collective agreement between the university and the association shall endeavor to normalize the private school pension which is in the crisis due to poor operation through joint cooperation with relevant organizations such as the National University Trade Union and the Corporate Council.

Article 53 (Retirement Allowance) Universities shall implement the retirement insurance system and endeavor to gradually improve it in the future.

Article 54 (Collective Insurance) Universities and Colleges shall subscribe to collective insurance for all members for work motivation and countermeasures against disasters, and shall receive from all members at maturity or upon retirement.

Article 51 and Article 54 of the collective agreement of 2007 and 2010 are the same as that of the transfer, the universities of Article 53 (Retirement Allowances) implement retirement pension plans and endeavor to gradually improve them in the future.

Articles 51 and 54 of the collective agreement of 2012 are the same as that of the transfer, the university of Article 53 (Retirement Pension) shall implement the retirement pension plan and endeavor to gradually improve it in the future.

Details related to the following, etc. shall be as follows:

(2) In accordance with the above collective agreement, the Defendant and the sublime Union entered into an annual wage agreement since 2002, and the part relating to the insurance premium or retirement pension under the said wage agreement is as listed below.

The defendant is the above 160 retirement pension of 2007 retirement pension of 2007 retirement pension of 2007 retirement pension of 160,000 retirement pension of 2005 insurance premium of 115,000,000 2006 retirement pension of 2007 retirement pension of 160,000 retirement pension of 2008 retirement pension of 2000,000 retirement pension of 220,000 retirement pension of 220,000 to 20,000 retirement pension of 20,200 to 2012 retirement pension of 20,000 (3).
