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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2018.08.30 2018고단1210

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four months.


Punishment of the crime

[2018 Highest 1210] On September 12, 2017, the Defendant made a false statement to the effect that, on the Internet’s French page, the Defendant: (a) accessed the Defendant’s private car page in Gwangju; (b) posted a notice to the effect that, although having no intent or ability to sell a computer, “sale a computer” would sell the computer to the victim; and (c) that, in fact, the Defendant would send the computer to the victim C who believed and contacted that, “470,000 won would be deposited.”

On September 13, 2017, the Defendant received 470,000 won from the above victim as the price for the purchase of the computer from the Defendant, and acquired it through a community credit cooperative account (D) account in the name of the Defendant, and acquired it, and acquired 160,000 won from the victim E on December 3, 2017 in the same manner as the list of crimes in attached Form E, and 150,000 won from the victim F on December 4, 2017.

[2018 Highest 1992]

1. On March 15, 2018, the Defendant: (a) on March 15, 2018, on the part of the Defendant’s office located in Gwangju Northern-gu, the Defendant purchased “pooq coophone” prepared by the Victim H by accessing the Internet NAVV in a foreign car page; (b) on the part of the Defendant’s office located in Gwangju Northern-gu around March 15, 2018, contact the victim with the victim to send chophones.

The purpose of “States” was to make a false statement.

However, even if the defendant did not possess the above coophone and received money from the injured party, he did not have the intention or ability to send the above coophone to the injured party.

The Defendant: (a) by deceiving the victim as above; (b) obtained 45,000 won from the victim on March 15, 2018 as the purchase price for cphones from the victim; and (c) obtained 45,000 won from the Defendant’s bank account in the name of the Defendant; and (d)

2. On April 30, 2018, around April 30, 2018, the Defendant made a false statement to the effect that, at the Defendant’s house located in Gwangju Northern-gu, the Defendant would send a computer if he deposits KRW 320,000 to the victim J who believed and contacted the Defendant’s house in Gwangju Northern-gu, the Defendant connected the Internet NVVV to a foreign car page and sold the heavy computers.

However, the defendant is guilty.
