본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2006.9.28.선고 2006고단2513 판결

206 Highest 2513 Business Interference, Violation of the Labor Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act


1. ○○○, ▣▣▣▣▣ ⎊⎊⎊⎊⎊ 본부장

2. △△△, ▣▣▣▣▣ ⎊⎊⎊⎊⎊ 부본부장

3. □□□, ▣▣▣▣▣ ⎊⎊⎊⎊⎊ ○●국장

4. ◎◎◎, ▣▣▣▣▣ ⎊⎊⎊⎊⎊ ∵∵∵∵지부 지부장

5. ▽▽▽, ▣▣▣▣▣ ⎊⎊⎊⎊⎊ ∴∴∴∴지부 부지부장

6. ▷▷▷, ▣▣▣▣▣ 지방본부 본부장

7. ♤♤♤, ▣▣▣▣▣ 지방본부 △▲국장


Economic Zone

Defense Counsel

변호사 @@@(피고인들 모두를 위하여)

Imposition of Judgment

September 28, 2006


피고인 △△△를 징역 6월에, 피고인 ○○○, □□□, ◎◎◎, ▽▽▽, ▷▷▷, ♤♤♤을 각 벌금 7,000,000원에 각 처한다.

피고인 ○○○, □□□, ◎◎◎, ▽▽▽, ▷▷▷, ♤♤♤이 위 각 벌금을 납입하지 아니하는 경우 각 50,000원을 1일로 환산한 기간 위 피고인들을 노역장에 각 유치한다.

이 판결 선고 전의 구금일수 중 2일을 피고인 △△△에 대한 위 형에, 각 1일을 피고인 ○○○, ▷▷▷, ♤♤♤에 대한 위 각 벌금형에 관한 노역장유치기간에 각 산입한다.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


피고인 ○○○은 ▣▣▣▣▣ ⎊⎊⎊⎊⎊ 본부장, 피고인 △△△는 ▣▣▣▣▣ ⎊⎊⎊ ⎊⎊ 부본부장, 피고인 □□□은 ▣▣▣▣▣ ⎊⎊⎊⎊⎊ ○●국장, 피고인 ◎◎◎은 ▣▣▣▣▣ ⎊⎊⎊⎊⎊ ∵∵∵∵지부 지부장, 피고인 ▽▽▽은 ▣▣▣▣▣ ⎊⎊⎊⎊⎊ ∴∴∴∴지부 부지부장, 피고인 ▷▷▷는 ▣▣▣▣▣ 지방본부 본부장, 피고인 ♤♤♤은 ▣▣▣▣▣ 지방본부 △▲국장으로서, 각 ◐◐◐◐◐ 소속 직원인바, ▣▣▣▣▣에서 2005. 11. 16.부터 2006. 11. 18.까지 쟁의행위 찬반투표를 실시하여 재적조합원 24,548명 중 17,447명의 찬성으로 파업을 결의함에 따라, 피고인들은 A를 비롯한 ▣▣▣▣▣ ⎊⎊⎊⎊⎊ 등 노조원들과 공모하여,

2006. 2. 28.경 ◐◐◐◐◐ 측과의 최종협상이 결렬되자 부산 ○○구 ○○동 및 부산 △△구 △△동 등지에서 피고인들을 포함한 노조 간부 및 노조원 약 500명이 참석한 가운데 총파업출정식을 개최하고 총파업을 선언한 이후, 중앙노동위원회 위원장 ◇◇◇이 노동조합및노동관계조정법 제75조에 따라 2006. 2. 28. 21:00부로 노동쟁의 중재회부 결정을 하였으므로 필수 공익사업장인 ◐◐◐◐◐의 경우 중재기간인 2006. 3. 15.까지 쟁의행위가 금지됨에도 불구하고,

2006. 3. 1. 01:00경 부산 □□구 □□동 ☆☆대학교 ★★캠퍼스 내에서, ▣▣▣▣▣ 중앙쟁의대책위원회 투쟁명령 제3호를 기점으로 노조원 약 3,000명이 참석한 가운데 업무를 중단한 채 총파업을 단행하고, 2006. 3. 2. 중앙쟁의대책위원회 투쟁명령 제4호를 기점으로 산개투쟁의 방식으로 파업을 지속하는 등 2006. 3. 4. 15:00경까지 노조원들이 사업장에 출근하지 아니한 채 집단적으로 근로제공을 거부함으로써 피해자 ◐◐◐◐◐(사장 ###)로 하여금 업무지장을 받게 하여 위력으로써 ◐◐◐◐◐의 업무 등을 방해함과 동시에 노동쟁의가 중재에 회부된 때로부터 15일 내에 쟁의행위를 하였다.

Summary of Evidence

1. The Defendants’ respective legal statements

1. Each police interrogation protocol against A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, M, N,O, P, Q, Q, Q, T, U, M, X, Y, Z, A, and B;

1. Each police officer's statement about soldier, military court, and military;

1. 긴급 업무복귀 지시 발령, ◐◐노조 홈페이지 검색자료, 노무일지 사본

Application of Statutes

1. Article applicable to criminal facts;

Article 314 (1) of the Criminal Code, Article 91 subparagraph 1 and Article 63 of the Labor Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act, Article 30 of the Criminal Code

1. Commercial competition;

Articles 40 and 50 of the Criminal Code

1. Selection of punishment;

Defendant 1: Determination of imprisonment

피고인 ○○○, □□□, ◎◎◎, ▽▽▽, ▷▷▷, ♤♤♤ : 각 벌금형 선택

1. 노역장유치(피고인 ○○○, □□□, ◎◎◎, ▽▽▽, ▷▷▷, ♤♤♤)

Articles 70 and 69(2) of the Criminal Act

1. 미결구금일수의 산입(피고인 ○○○, △△△, ▷▷▷, ♤♤♤)

Article 57 of the Criminal Code

1. Suspension of execution (Defendant △△△△△);

Article 62(1) of the Criminal Act

Judgment on the Defendants and defense counsel's assertion

1. Chief;

The decision to refer the case to arbitration by the chairman of the National Labor Relations Commission is serious without due process, and the decision to refer the case to arbitration by the chairman of the National Labor Relations Commission is material without due process

Since there is a defect, the defendants' industrial action in this case has legitimacy in time and procedure, and both the purpose, means and method are legitimate, so illegality is excluded as a legitimate act. 2.

이 사건 중재회부 결정의 경위에 관하여 보건대, 이 사건 기록에 의하면, ▣▣▣▣이 사건 중재회부 결정의 경위에 관하여 보건대, 이 사건 기록에 의하면, □□□□

▣과 ◐◐◐◐◐와의 단체교섭이 결렬되자 ▣▣▣▣▣이 2005. 11. 10. 중앙노동위원회□과 ●●●●●와의 단체교섭이 결렬되자 □□□□□이 2005. 11. 10. 중앙노동위원회

the special mediation committee organized by the National Labor Relations Commission upon filing an application for mediation of a labor dispute with the special mediation committee organized by the National Labor Relations Commission, and the special mediation committee organized by the National Labor Relations Commission.

행하였으나, 2005. 11. 25. ‘노사 당사자간 주장의 현격한 차이로 조정안 제시가 불가하다고 판단되어 조정안을 제시하지 않고 조정을 종료한다’는 결정을 하면서 조건부로 중재회부를 권고하여, 중앙노동위원회는 ▣▣▣▣▣이 쟁의행위를 하지 않겠다는 확약 중재회부를 권고하여, 중앙노동위원회는 □□□□□이 쟁의행위를 하지 않겠다는 확약

Pursuant to this, until December 26, 2005, it was decided to withhold the submission to arbitration by December 26, 2005, and again, by the end of January 2006, it decided to suspend the submission to arbitration by December 26, 2005, and again by the end of January 2006.

Although the decision of deferment of referral was extended, the decision of deferment of referral was also in the process of autonomous bargaining between labor and management, it was extended without a deadline, but it is still in the process of autonomous bargaining between labor and management.

The decision of re-return shall be extended, but if the possibility of industrial action is remarkable, the decision of re-return to arbitration shall be extended, but if the possibility of industrial action is remarkable, it will be referred to arbitration.

After notification, the final negotiation between the labor and the management is displayed and the labor union is notified under the condition that the labor union gives notice of the total strike and then the final negotiation between the labor and the management is displayed.

Around February 28, 2006, when it was decided to refer to arbitration on February 28, 2006, which had four hours prior to the scheduled time of entry into the general strike, the decision to refer to arbitration on February 28, 2006, which had four hours prior to the scheduled time of entry into the general strike.

b) shall transmit the above decision by facsimile to the trade union office and directly impose on the executive officers at the negotiation site, and shall transmit the decision by facsimile to the trade union office, and directly transmit the executive officers at the negotiation site to the trade union office.

전달하는 방식으로 도달케 하였음에도, 피고인들을 비롯한 ▣▣▣▣▣조합원들은 총파 전달하는 방식으로 도달케 하였음에도, 피고인들을 비롯한 □□□□□조합원들은 총파

업을 선언하고 ◐◐◐◐◐의 긴급업무복귀지시에 응하지 않고 이 사건 쟁의행위를 한 업을 선언하고 ●●●●●의 긴급업무복귀지시에 응하지 않고 이 사건 쟁의행위를 한

The facts can be recognized. The special mediation committee shall promptly refer a case to arbitration in order to guarantee the autonomous bargaining between labor and management in order to guarantee the autonomous bargaining between labor and management immediately prior to the termination of mediation and the submission of the case to the ex officio arbitration without submitting a proposal for mediation by the special mediation committee.

The National Labor Relations Commission has suspended the referral to arbitration without the National Labor Relations Commission which decided the referral to arbitration but decided the referral to arbitration without the National Labor Relations Commission.

It is difficult to say that it is an abuse of discretionary power, which leads to the degree of procedural violation or invalidation.

If so, the industrial action of this case from March 1, 2006 to March 4, 2006 is conducted by the National Labor Relations Commission, and the industrial action of this case from March 1, 2006 to March 4, 2006 is conducted by the National Labor Relations Commission.

Trade unions and labor are conducted within 15 days from the date and procedure of submission to arbitration because it was conducted within 15 days from the date and procedure of submission to arbitration by trade unions and labor

Since the provisions of the related adjustment law have been violated, it is unlawful without considering the legitimacy of the purpose, means and methods of industrial action.

Therefore, the above argument is not accepted.

2. Dual Lives

It is so decided as per Disposition by taking into account the following circumstances: (a) illegal strike was terminated within a relatively short period; (b) the labor-management agreement was concluded smoothly; and (c) the motive, degree of involvement of the Defendants; and (d) the Defendants’ age, character, conduct and criminal record relationship.


Judge Jin Jae-hun
