본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원동부지원 2017.08.18 2015가합2033

1. The Defendants jointly deal with the Plaintiff (Appointed Party A) and the Appointed D, each of which is KRW 31,500,000 and each of the said money.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The parties’ relevant defendant educational foundation C (hereinafter “Defendant educational foundation”) is a juristic person operating the E Hospital (hereinafter “instant hospital”), and the defendant B served in the instant hospital as a medical specialist in the Masan Department, and the plaintiff A and the Selection (hereinafter “Plaintiffs”) are F’s children.

B. Around 1973, F (1942) was fit for radiation treatment at the High Medical Center (former High Medical Center Uniforms Hospital). On November 12, 1996 due to traffic accidents, F (1) was under the closed static typology and fixed dembling of metal within the alley river at the right side of Busan National University Hospital; (2) was under the preservation of the dembble dembs of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the medical treatment. From December 22, 2012, F (193) was under the visit of Busan National University, but it was under the visit of 13rd of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the upper half of the bridge.

As a result of X-ray shooting of H Hospital doctors, I diagnosed the F as “the pel-gu pelbing of the left pel-house,” recommended the treatment of a superior hospital, and issued a written request for medical treatment.

C. On January 21, 2013, F had been hospitalized in the instant hospital on the same day for the purpose of the surgery, which was conducted by Defendant B, after being provided medical treatment at the hospital at issue.

As a result of the instant hospital’s X-ray, 3D CT inspection, Defendant B issued a diagnosis of “Alley Notarial Opinion, the upper part of the left part of the return of the aggregate, and the upper part of the aggregate, e.g., refast and e.g., refast of the steel fast, e.g., the upper part of the upper part of the steel e.g., the upper part of the steel e., the upper part of the steel e.g., the upper part of the steel e.g., the left part, the outcome of the process of e.g., the upper part of the steel e., the upper part of the instant hospital.”
